Chapter 72

1098 Words

*Eleanor* The house is crowded. Too crowded. “Everyone out!” I yell, surprising everyone, but they comply. I throw some blankets on the ground outside with the help of Thora, Hvitserk’s wife. She smiles and puts Mani on one with baby Thorolf. “Best of friends,” she tells me with a smile that I can’t help but return. The two children are sweet together. Anders and Hvitserk keep an eye on them as we bring the food out with Helga’s help. We all sit around on the blankets, eating together and enjoying the mead that Hvitserk brought. “What is the food like in your village?” I ask, not exactly to Erik, but he is the one who answers me. “Similar to here,” he tells me. “A lot more fish. The winter is more harsh, so hunting and farming are more difficult, and the time for it is shorter

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