Chapter 78

1058 Words

*Eleanor* “She loved you, truly,” Hvitserk says after Anders and Erik leave. “I never saw her treat anyone the way she treated you.” “She was the mom I never had,” I tell him softly as I look at her face. She looks like she could wake up anytime, but she won’t. “She left me.” “All things end, Eleanor,” Knute tells me, stepping into the room and offering his hand to help me from the floor. “It is terrible, but life must end, too. She is off to the afterlife with the Gods. I am sure that Frigga has greeted her with open arms.” I take his hand and stand, hesitantly letting him lead me from the room. “I don’t know what to do for her,” I whisper as we walk to the main room. “I don’t know your customs and traditions.” “I think Helga would want you to do what you feel is right,” Knut

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