Chapter 55

1248 Words

“Anders, you have to get out,” Helga all but shouts at him. “You cannot be in here. MANI cannot be in here.” He looks at me and I can see his heart breaking before he nods once. He hands Mani to Helga and comes to where I’m laid on the hay where the mothers give birth, but I am not. “I am so sorry, Ost Minn,” he says softly, kissing my cheek. “I never wanted this for you. I wanted to give you a nice life.” I nod, unsure what to really say to him. I’m hurt and I’m angry and now, I’m probably dying. With a final kiss, Anders reluctantly stands and takes Mani out. Helga comes over with cloths, sitting down next to me. “Please don’t tell anyone about his curse,” I plead. “Mani will need him when I’m gone.” “You will not be dying today, Eleanor,” she tells me firmly. “Let me g

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