Chapter 53

1172 Words

I find myself back on the cliff, overlooking the sea that is lined with ice. The fire rages from the ground behind me as the cold mist blisters my face. It looks terrifying, but it looks like home. The beautiful woman from my dream before stands near the edge, turning to smile at me. “You’re Freyja,” I say, more of a statement than a question. “Yes,” she tells me simply. “And you are with child.” “What?” I ask, blinking at her quickly. She nods, but she doesn’t smile. “Your babies will also bear his curse. I tried, but Odin will not remove it.” I nod at her, understanding. It’s what I’ve expected since I first found out about it, but since she’s brought me here, I feel concerned. “Is that why my son died?” I ask her. “Yes,” she tells me sadly. “Your babies will as long as

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