I moved my hand to the spot on my head that was throbbing. Where the hell was I? I looked around at the small, concrete room. A steel table with a small chair was across the wall from me. A toilet and sink combo to the left of the table.
Was I in jail? A single candle filled the cell with some light. I sat up slowly on the small cot. My head throbbed even more. I brought my index fingers to my temples and rubbed. It helped some, but it wasn't quite the relief I needed. I tried to remember the events that had happened the night before, but my mind kept drawing a blank.
I stood up, my legs were weak and felt like they would give out under me. I slowly walked to the large door. I stood on my tiptoes to see out of the tiny window. The hallway was dark on both sides, but I could see another cell door across from me.
"Hello...." I yelled out.
I wasn't sure if anyone could hear me. There was absolutely no way I could be in jail. I am a school teacher. I could lose my job! I needed to think! What happened last night?
I walked back to the small bed and sat back down. My headache was clouding my thoughts. I needed to sleep just a bit more. I needed the throbbing to stop. I laid down on my side and brought my knees into my body.
I closed my eyes. Quickly, I was asleep and that was when a dream slowly started to play:
It was early in the morning, I bent down to tie my running shoes. Early morning jogs had become a regular for me after losing my parents.
I had enough time to run the walking trail in the woods before getting ready for work. I stood up. I grabbed my mace, my house keys, and walked out the front door. I locked it and put both into my fanny pack. I looked down at my watch. 5:20 a.m. I was on time. I stretched on my front porch. When I felt my muscles ready, I jogged to the sidewalk and made my way to the trail. Early morning dew kicked up as I ran on the grass to cross the street.
It was starting to get cooler in the mornings, the trees were slowly starting to show the signs that autumn was quickly approaching. Autumn was my favorite time of year, when the weather was just right. Not too hot, not too cold and it was customary to start including pumpkin spice into everything.
I reached the trail quicker than I thought I would. I checked my heart rate and continued on with my run. I wasn't normally a health nut, but I found that running was a good form of meditation for me. It cleared my head for a while, helped me forget what had happened a few months ago.
I had not been home for a few years while I was away at college, but now I was home. There were usually joggers that I would pass, but today I was alone. The creeper mustache guy that usually waited for me to pass him so he could run several meters behind me wasn't in his usual spot.
That was fine with me, I needed the peace today. The forest was quiet, very peaceful. It seemed to me that it was a little too quiet and that made my senses be on alert. I started to have the uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched. I knew that I should head home a little early today. I stopped my jog and looked around.
I had not noticed the fog that was slowly rolling in, still something didn't feel right. I reached into my fanny pack for my cell phone.
Oh my God! I had left my cell phone on the kitchen counter! I reached for my mace and started to jog back home. The feeling of being watched intensified as I picked up the pace.
I heard a twig snap in the trees to my left. Someone was near me. It was probably the mustache creep. I ran faster, clicking the mace to the open position. I was almost out of the woods. I could see the opening. I ran faster and faster, but the entrance seemed to stay off in the distance.
What was going on?
I stopped running and looked around. Something hit me on the side of my head and my body went limp.
I gasped as my body left the dream and sat up on the bed. Dammit! I was still in the cell. As my eyes adjusted I saw that there was food and water on the small table. I was starving and it smelled delicious. My head felt somewhat better since I had gotten a bit more sleep. I stood up and sat down at the table.
I reached for the water. It was cold. My thirst disappeared as I gulped down half the cool liquid. I looked at the plate. Two pieces of roasted chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, and a roll. At least the food was good in this jail.
I reached for the fork and started to eat. The food was delicious. Someone had a passion for cooking in this prison. As I spooned some potatoes into my mouth, a thought came to mind.
How did I not hear someone enter my cell? I wanted to speak with someone about why I was in here. Hmmm....that can wait for a later time, right now I just wanted to eat this food. It must be around dinner time. I looked down at my wrist, my watch was gone. My fanny pack was missing, too.
When all the food was gone, I moved the plate and fork to the side of the desk. I knew at some point I should be able to make a phone call or see a judge. If I were to make a phone call who would I call? I was alone in this world.
When I moved back into my parents house and started cleaning out some of the stuff in the attic, that was when I found out I was adopted.
I never had grandparents, aunts or uncles, cousins, no one. It was just me and my parents. When I found those papers, I was completely shocked.
It was a closed adoption that said my parents wanted to remain anonymous and never to be contacted.
I remembered how crushed I was when I called the adoption agency and heard the message that the number was no longer in use. I quickly googled them on my laptop and came up with the same results. Nothing.
My only option was to wait for the judge and see how long I was going to be stuck in here. I had nothing in this room, no paper or books. It was just me and my thoughts. I laid back down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
I watched as the flame from the candle bounced light around the room. The circle that was on the ceiling directly above the candle looked like an angels halo. I watched the dance until I fell asleep again, but this time a dream never came. The sleep was much needed and my brain never allowed a dream to interrupt.
Sometime in the night the candle must have burned out. When my eyes opened, I was in total darkness. I knew someone was in the cell with me. I could feel them. A faint smell of cologne filled the air. I held my breath and closed my eyes.
The next time I woke was in the morning, a new candle was lit on the table. On the desk was a plate of food. A small box was next to the plate. I got up, my bones popped from my uncomfortable sleep. I stretched my arms and legs. I walked over to the desk and looked down at the food. Eggs, bacon, and toast. A simple breakfast.
I sat down and picked up the fork. I sampled a small portion of the eggs. It was good! I looked over at the box. I lifted the lid slowly. What could possibly be in here?
I put a small piece of bacon in my mouth and removed the paper that covered the contents of the box. Inside were items that I would need. Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, wash cloth, candles and a lighter. I looked at the paper and saw that someone had written on it.
I am sorry that you have to be in here, but it was for your own good. I will explain in due time. I hope the items make your stay a little more bearable. Food will be delivered 3 times a day. Please let the jailer know if you need anything. Please forgive me.
WTF? Who was D? How was being in here for my own good? How long was I going to be here? When the jailer came, I would ask all the questions. My appetite was gone. I pushed the plate away. It slammed against the cement wall, the eggs spilled all over the desk.
I walked back over to the bed and sat down. I pushed my body back against the wall and brought my knees up to my chest. I put my face down as the tears started to fall down my cheeks.