I Three Makidian Princes

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“Are you nervous?” The voice was firm and low, with warmth hidden somewhere in the tone. The habit of talking about formalities with aristocrats was hard to get rid of even if Julianous was addressing his daughter, Azmeralda. “Rather than nervous, I’m so excited I can feel my heart about to burst!” Azmeralda exclaimed, her voice had a brightness that never ceased to meet her father’s heart – though it never showed on the sharp features ornamenting his firmly shaped face. “This is the first time that I’ve ever left the palace in Kemet!” she added, scotching away to look out the window of the rolling carriage. The world went on before her, and she couldn’t help but grin at the sight of a different world going on around her. Aside from the palace and mansions back in her home, Azmeralda has never taken foot outside the Kemet empire. And the reason…was sitting right next to her. Julianus Donna, the emperor, and also her father. She never quite believed him when he delivered the news of traveling to another kingdom for the New Year’s celebration. She disregarded his words as nothing more than a joke, all until she saw the maids hurrying about the palace to prepare for their departure. “Though I do wonder,” Azmeralda said, breaking the silence with her thoughts. “It’s not like this is the first New Year celebration that you have been invited to, how come we never attended any?” Julianus blinked at his daughter, losing his composure for half a minute. “It’s a hassle to prepare and travel to another empire,” he said, clearing his throat. “There is a lot to be taken care of back at home.” Glancing back at his daughter, he figured that she wasn’t buying his excuse *She is too smart for her own good* he thought, as he took in a breath. “Anyhow, what matters is that we are here now, isn’t it?” Julianus added. “If you don’t like it, we can just go back.” “No!” Azmeralda exclaimed, grabbing her father’s arm to stop him from calling a knight through the window. She knew better than anyone that he was more than capable of doing what he had just said. A word from him could turn this entire convoy back to Kemet. It later came to her mind the little tantrum she was putting and withdrew her arm back to her side as she covered her plump lips to fake a cough. The etiquette lessons since she first knew how to walk left an imprint on her personality. “I…I mean,” she stuttered. “It would be such a shame to just turn around and leave. We have traveled such a long distance…how long did it take? Two weeks?” Julianus was admiring his daughter as he rested his elbow on the window frame. The sunlight shining through the opposite window was causing her raven hair to shimmer with the jewelry adorned with her hair. Her crystal-gray eyes were trying hard to disguise the excitement but in vain, after all, all the classes are nothing compared to the excitement of a child. Azmeralda was caught in her own blabbing, not noticing her father’s movements until she snapped, feeling a hand ruffling her hair. Her rounded face jolted up to meet her father’s warm gaze at her. Was it because he was always busy that she forgot the warmth of his hands? She didn’t know, and honestly, she never bothered to give it much thought. What’s important is that he was right next to her. And for the next couple of weeks, she was going to experience things she had never done before. Things she would never witness behind the sturdy walls of the palace. Her head dropped helplessly from her neck as she welcomed the comfortable touch, and it was clearly a mutual feeling between the father and daughter. Before long, the capital was already in view, the capital of Makidia. The buildings on the far horizon appeared like straight lines parallel to the horizon. The palace, however, stood tall among the other buildings of the capital. Even from this distance, Azmeralda noted the reflection of the sunlight off of its snow-white facade. At the peck was the metal carved into the stigma of the Royal family, the wolf of the Pantera family. Azmeralda recognized it even from a distance. She couldn’t help but read about Makidia before her departure, which made her more eager to come.  “I’ve heard that there are 2 princes in the palace,” Azmeralda snapped from thoughts and went to face her father. “No princess?” she puzzled, feeling a little disappointed – she had been looking forward to meeting a friend in Makidia. “Sadly not,” her father said, hiding the amusement in his tone. Azmeralda was silent for a moment, trying to recall what she read about the Pantera family in books and before long she was hit with a realization. “But I have read there are three?” Julianus hummed, raising a brow. “Three?” She nodded eagerly. Julianus tilted his head, giving it some thought. “Perhaps, the third one isn’t popular,” he said. “We are going to find out sooner or later anyway, just relax.” He ruffled her hair again, clearly ready to make a habit out of it. Azmeralda didn’t bother to complain about ruining her hair *Canaria won’t be pleased*. She thought about her handmaiden. Just like her father said, they were at the gates of the capital before long. The gates were pulled open, allowing the convoy from Kemet to pass from underneath it. The streets were clean to the point of sparkling – someone did some cleaning. The shops and markets were practically empty except for the people who lined up to spectate the arrival of the convoy. The lamps standing tall were adorned with lights to welcome the visitors, not limited to this one visitor but many. This celebration was going to be held in the presence of the world’s most powerful emperors. And thee most powerful out of them…was Emperor Julianus Donna. His presence was highly requested during many other celebrations, but just as Azmeralda thought. Her father was an introvert. Anything other than political meetings grabbed little to no attention from him. However, Emperor Petrus Pantera seemed to have time on his hands. Every week for the past months, an official invitation was sent despite the refusal. In the end, Julianus had no way around it. Looking at the excitement on her face, he realized that it was worth the hassle. *I’ve been neglecting you for so long* he thought as he gazed at her back figure glancing out the window with awe in her eyes. The carriage deaccelerated before it came to a complete stop before the palace’s gates. Azmeralda was already on her feet before the carriage’s door was open, she was restless and her feet felt like moving on their own. In less than half a minute, the door was opened from the outside. She almost forgot the way of it and went out first, but held back to allow her father to get out first. Through the curtains, she could see the 3 pairs of legs standing before the steps of the portico. *I knew there were three!* she exclaimed, remembering her father’s words, silently before the curtains finally drew open as Julianus extended a hand to escort her down the carriage. “Your Majesty! Such an honor to finally meet you in person!” Azmeralda looked up at the man she figured to be Petrus, the man who invited them here. His suit was black embroidered with gold and adorned with medals on his chest, while a maroon cape hung on his shoulder. She saw her father hold out a hand to greet the Emperor as they shared a couple of words before it was time for an introduction. Azmeralda knew the way of things like this but she was dying inside to say hello to the three boys that stood behind their father. They stood according to height as far as she knew. She noted that the two princes shared excitement. *At least I wasn’t the only one looking forward to this* she thought, a smile cracking on her face as she felt a little bit more comfortable in their presence. Deep down inside her, she feared that she might be the only one up and about in joy and end up disappointed for her first time in the outside world. “How foolish of me!” Emperor Petrus exclaimed, turning halfway around to look at his family. The Queen, and the three young princes whose eyes were sparkling as they looked up at Julianus – the man that they had only read about in history books. Or at least that was the case for the two younger ones. The first boy standing on the left had a blank face on, his raven eyes were almost dead as if they witnessed the words worst when he was barely 11 years of age. He stood out from the rest of the boys. His hair was as black as the night without the moon, his skin was fair and smooth, befitting a child. Everything about him seemed so innocent except for the emptiness that seemed to loam inside his dark orbs. “This is Tiberius,” Petrus said, gesturing at the boy. His eyes contained nothing but fatherly love for his son. “Go on, introduce yourself!” “My name is Tiberius Petrus Pantera,” he said, the tone was hard and cold. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.” And they took turns introducing themselves, Victor, and Romanus. The two had nothing in common with their eldest brother other than their names. While Tiberius had pitch-black hair parted amid his skull to either temple, they had light brown hair – almost blonde. It was easy enough for anyone to note that those two were the Queen’s sons. “This is my Queen, Blandia Ruso,” Petrus said, taking hold of his wife’s hand gently. Blandia bowed her head as she gave her own greetings. Azmeralda acknowledged her with a nod – there wasn’t anyone that she was ought to bow to, that much Julianus had made sure she learned. Now she could see what her father meant as he stood straight acknowledging the emperor with a respectful nod. Azmeralda could see the striking resemblance between the two younger princes and their mother. She could already grasp the situation within the Royal family. It wasn’t rare for the occurrence of half-siblings, as a matter of fact, it was rarer to find a family that didn’t have one. It was like the secret law within Royalties. Azmeralda, however, never got to experience such a costume. “Now then, shall we get inside?” Petrus said, leading the way up the portico and into the columnated space before they finally reached the doors. Azmeralda watched in awe as she saw the emblem of the wolf engraved on the walls torn into half as the doors opened before them. She never failed to notice how her father was walking at the peck of the crowd. Even Emperor Petrus walked a step behind, not much. But it was still there. Azmeralda, being a curious child, couldn’t help but notice that Tiberius was no longer among his brothers. She came to a halt and looked around her and he was nowhere to be seen. Almost immediately, Julianus noticed the disappearance of her tiny figure from the corner of his eyes. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, feeling a mini-heart attack take over him, but it was soon as he was blessed with the familiar tiny figure of Azmeralda. “Is something a matter, Princess?” Julianus asked with a chuckle, walking to approach her. “No,” she said after a moment of silence, taking her father’s hand out of habit as her eyes were skimming over the luxuriously ornamented hall that represented the culture of Mikidia. “Would you like to join us!?” Azmeralda turned around to look at Romanus with his sweet voice, gazing eagerly at her with awe. “Romanus, watch your manners!” The Queen lashed out, causing the boy to flinch. “Our guests must be tired from the long journey. Give them a space to breathe!” Azmeralda felt bad for the little prince, but it was too late to say anything to mend his heart as she felt her feet leave the marbled floor. Julianus picked her up in his arms. Being the introvert he was, he gave no attention to the motherly gesture from the Queen. He always held the motto of respecting other parents' way of teaching, and there was no need to let it go now. Nevertheless, Azmeralda didn’t want to ruin the boy’s day – seeing the tears held back in his blue eyes, she couldn’t just ignore it. “Let’s play later today.” Romanus’s head jolted up at the girl towering over him. Julianus came to a halt as he heard her voice. He was about to complain about how she made such a decision without even asking him. However, he wasn’t about to ruin her excitement due to his selfishness. Romanus’s eyes shimmered with joy as the tears disappeared from behind his eyes, and he nodded eagerly at Azmeralda. “Yes!” he said. “I would love to!” They shared a smile, even Victor spared her a wave as she looked at them over her father’s broad shoulder. The buttons and embroidered gems on his coat were poking at her – but it wasn’t something that bothered her, in fact, it helped realize that this was no dream. She was living her greatest dream…to see something outside the palace of Kemet.  
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