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Reina could feel water penetrating into her lungs as she tries to keep her head up, her hands were trying to help her out but her weight was dragging her down and she was losing hope. Yes, she avoided deep lakes before cause she couldn't swim and now, she was going to die. Why today? She didn't even have the chance to spend her coins and vent all her anger on her savings. Reina made her last struggle until she felt herself lifelessly dropping into the dark cold lake. The next time she opened her eyes, she felt something on her lips, it was soft and gentle, it made her heart thump. She felt pressure on her chest and she vomited water and coughed vigorously while her savior patted her back. As she tried to get her mind into order, the person who saved her helped tie her hair and slowly allowed her to recover. After minutes went by, Reina turned to him slowly. Thank you. She says as she truly understood that she was in his debt. Your welcome. Do you still hate your life? He asks. Reina couldn't help but laugh at his question. She turns her face back to him and disagreed. "Yes, but not so bad that I would want to die." She replies. "Good, cause life is precious." He replies and Reina's heart softens to what he says. What is your name? She asks. He has a soft smile on his face before he answers her.  "I'm Andrew." Reina has a surprise on her face when she hears his name. "You bear the same name with the Prince? How lucky." She says. Why is that lucky? He asks sitting in the grassland beside her. "The closest I'll ever get to being a princess is my beautiful face." Reina says with a short giggle. You want to be a princess? He asks. "More like, I want to be treated as one." Reina answers. "So, Andrew." I'm sorry for hitting you...I "It's fine." Andrew cuts her off. Really?  "Yes, here, get up." Andrew stands up with an outstretched hand. Reina collects it and he lifts her up, so close to him that there eyes linger for more than a second, but she takes the first step away addressing her very wet dress. This is where Reina becomes aware that her poor quality dress has started to make her skin transparent. Reina throws her hand over her chest and Andrew arches a brow.  He begins to walk away and Reina's face is totally flushed when she wonders if he had noticed her like that. She looks back and sees him walking, she turns to follow but she doesn't take her hand off her chest as she follows. Reina forgets the reason she left the castle in the first place, she's back into the castle in a dry dress and de tangled hair remembering what happened when she first opened her eyes. That stable boy, Andrew kissed her. His lips touched hers and maybe that is what brought her back to life. Reina touches her lips as she thinks about it, so gentle and soft–she remembers. Reine squeezes her toes as she curls up and faces the wall in response to the moment they shared. How can he kiss her and behave like it never happened?  What sort of man was that? Reina hears the door open and she closes her eyes, she knows it is her mother and she does not want to talk to her. Not after their argument, she doesn't. "I know you are awake." Grace says. Shall we have a decent conversation? Her mother asks as she drops her work apron. "If you have finished taking of someone else's family, then why not? Reina replies without facing her mother." Reina! Her mother says. "Give me one good reason why i should allow you work in the royal dinning? She asks." Because I'm wasting my life in this small cabin! I don't even want to work anymore, not for the royal family or anyone. I'll go back to Aunt Debra! Reina replies. "You want to catch the royal family's eye for fame and honor." Her mother says. And is that so bad! I won't force anyone to be with me, you know how much attention I'll get and that's what you are afraid of. Reina says. No! "I'm afraid of the people who will give you the attention." Listen child! Grace drags her daughter and kneels by the bed post. "The royal family are not one of splendor or respect, they are not as good as people think. It is not just about the dresses or riches, they manipulate their own blood for greed too." I cannot let my daughter be a part of that life. "At least, let me see it!" Let me witness what you are so afraid of. I will regret this all my life if I don't even try to make a way for myself. "Do you want me to work all my life like you did mother?" "After father left us, we had no were to go, no food to it, and even after you got a job in the castle , we still struggled to make ends meet." Years have passed and it's like we never worked to make our lives better, mother, unclip my wings. "I will not only alter my future, but my children's and yours." Reina pleads. "You may regret this step." Grace says as tears begin to overflow from her eyes. "I will protect myself, mother." I'll never give you a chance to suffer again. You promise? Grace asks. "Yes, I do." Her daughter answers. Now get to bed, you will be busy in the morning. I guess you can skip washing duties now. Her mother says and Reina lays back to the bed waiting for a day that can change her entire life. Tomorrow, she will meet her Prince Charming and he will fall in love with her. Tomorrow is the day.  Thank the lord she did not die today, Reina closes her eyes and sleep consumes her.
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