The Calm

1955 Words

Mark's POV I wake up with the sun shining through Gray's bedroom window. I squint my eyes. I turn onto my side and I watch Gray as she sleeps. I had trouble falling asleep last night, because I was thinking about a million things. The baby and Weston. Mainly the part of Weston. I am dreading it, I'm afraid as f**k, but we have to tell him. He will be getting back from his trip tomorrow. I caress Gray's cheek lightly, she stirs a bit. I can't believe that she is mine. I can't believe that I'm becoming a father too. "Good morning." she says with a groan, she squints her eyes as the sun shines into her eyes, lighting up those beautiful golden brown eyes. "Morning. Did you sleep well?" I ask her as I pull my hand away from her cheek. "Yes and did you?" "I slept okay" I say which isn'

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