When I get to the movies, Sam is already waiting for me. I have noticed that he likes to put his hands in his pockets, looking awkward as people walk past him. I sigh, a part of me wishes that it was Mark standing over there by the tickets. I approach him slowly, he looks my way and smiles. I don't even feel like smiling, but I put on my fake smile. He hasn't changed his clothes either.
"Hey, I bought our tickets already. I hope you don't mind if we watch Monster Hunter" he says.
"No, I don't mind" I say, we walk inside the theater and take a seat. I didn't want any snacks, because I'm not hungry. The theater is dark and its only a handful of people scattered. Its a week day, so most of the people won't go out.
"I'm going to get me some snacks. Be right back" Sam says, and he gets up to leave. I take my phone out of my bag, and I put it on silent.
There are no texts from anyone, not even from Mark. I place my phone inside of my bag again. Sam returns with his snacks. The lights go off and the movie begins, Sam offers a packet of sweets, but I decline.
The movie doesn't take my mind off of things. All I think about is Mark's lips against mine. How his touch felt, the type that makes me want him even more.
***** flashback to four years old*****
I stand by the kitchen counter as my dad cooks dinner, uncle Mark is sitting on a bar stool. I feel sad because I miss my mommy, all that they are doing is talk. My daddy dressed me in a pink dress with two pig tails. I walk over to the lounge instead and I climb up onto the sofa. The television is already on, so its playing cartoons.
Uncle Mark takes a seat next to me on the sofa, "What's wrong, Gray?" he asks me, but I don't look at him and I don't say anything. I continue to watch my cartoons. When I miss mommy, I'm always quiet, "You can talk to me" he says, he turns his body to face me. But it still doesn't get my attention. He starts to tickle me and I laugh, he joins me in laughter. I try to get free but he takes me into his arms. He places me onto his lap and I lay my head against his chest. Whenever I'm sad, he does this to me.
I get used to uncle Mark. When he always comes to visit, I run into his arms and he lifts me up in the air. He kisses my cheeks and I laugh because it makes me ticklish. Most times, at night, I run down the stairs with a story book in my hand, "Uncle Mark, can you read a story please?" I beg.
He chuckles "Anything for you, Gray" he says, he takes my hand in his and we walk up the stairs and go into my bedroom. I climb onto my bed and he sits down.
"No" I say as I start to make space beside me on my bed, I pat the empty side. "Sit here" I say as I make myself comfortable. He chuckles again and does as I say. I lay my head on his chest. I like it because I hear his heart beat and it makes me feel better. He places his arm around me as he is about to read. "Where is mommy?" I ask. He is silent for a while. He sighs.
"Mommy is in a place called heaven" he says.
"Why did she go there and not take me with her?"
"When people get sick and...they really can't do anything. They go to heaven. It is a place where people gets better, no pain, no tears, no sickness. They stay there and never come back because it's their new home forever", he says.
"What is heaven like?"
"Heaven is beautiful, it's like a very precious jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal. It has a great high wall with twelve gates and twelve angels at those gates. The walls have twelve foundations. It's made out of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls are decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates are twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city is of gold, as pure as transparent glass. It is also like a big house with many rooms where all of our loved ones are. There are a lot of angels too, and each one of them has a task that they have to do. Your mother is there and she can see you, she always looks down towards you, always around you", he says.
"I want to go to heaven" I say.
"One day, you will" he says, and he kisses the top of my head.
I snap out of my thoughts to the loud sound effects of the movie. I realize that tears are running down my cheeks. I wipe it away with the back of my hand. I sit through the whole movie just thinking about Mark, but I feel sad, especially since he doesn't seem to return his feelings. He just wants me for damn work.
After the movie ends, I go back home and it's pouring with rain. I'm a little soaked just by that heavy pour. I get inside of the house and I take a warm shower. Even in the shower, my mind still goes back to Mark. I can't help but touch my bottom lip where he touched it with his thumb. I shake the thoughts away, I need to stand my ground.
Once I'm done in the shower, I put on the white t-shirt that Mark chose when I was drunk. I am wearing black boyleg panties.I blow my hair dry. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep easily tonight, I decide that I will go over my plan for my business. I work in the study room, I place my file on the desk and I take a seat. But as it gets later into the evening, I know that some of these things I can't pull off on my own. I need my dad for this. I roll my eyes just thinking that he will tell me to ask Mark to help me, which I do not want. I sigh, maybe I do need to work at Sternpoint. I think I need sleep to think more clearly.