A needed Getaway

1407 Words

Gray's POV We arrive at home. Mark makes sure that I am in bed, his jaw clenches and he looks stone cold. He tucks me into bed like he did when I was a little girl. He doesn't look into my eyes, the whole drive was silent back home. I don't say anything because I don't want him to explode because it is my fault for not telling him about his mother and the fall. I just didn't want to be treated in a way that I couldn't handle things on my own. "Do you need anything?" he asks, finally looking at me, but his eyes are dark with coldness and distance. "No." is all I can say. He nods and then he walks out of the bedroom. Sighing, I just let my thoughts go through my mind. I wish that we were more careful in the first place. If we were careful, then I wouldn't have been in this situation ri

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