Book 2 Chapter 95

2470 Words

Colt pov Words couldn’t even describe what just happened to me. Watching Colette tear into the vampires like they were putty, chopping off Sebastian’s arm like that, indescribable. I’ve never seen Colette angry before. She’s always been so calm, just like my mother. Emmett had the same calm quality, but seeing him as a lover instead of a cousin made me see other qualities to him as well. The way his breath would quicken and his face would flush as I laid next to him on the cot in the cell. I could tell Colette and Axel had s*x that one day when they both woke with Marks on them. I wanted Emmett more than anything, laying there night after night kissing him, feeling him pressed against me. The soft whimpers he made as I rubbed myself against him. I wanted him, but I didn’t want our first

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