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LOBA WAS IN NIRVANA. He had achieved a state of perfection. He floated in infinity, where time and space were without end, and where his spirit poured forth and returned replenished, fulfilled, endless, and enduring in the void. Colors with no names whirled through his perception, and indescribable emotions washed over him in blissful waves, cleansing his soul, bathing his mind, washing his ego free of corrupting impurities. For an eternity, it seemed, he existed, each moment filled with limitless joy. A great bell sounded from behind him. What was this intrusion? Loba turned and tried to gaze into the abyss, but he couldn’t find the source of the sound. Again, it rang in his ears, discordant, breaking the serene flow of the universe. He grew confused. Where was the noise coming from? How had it entered the everlasting cosmos? A third time the bell rang, and Loba cried out as all creation began to disintegrate around him. The terrible noise of the bell was breaking everything apart. He had to find it. He had to stop its chiming before it was too late. He had to destroy it. Loba flailed in his bunk so hard he fell out and hit the floor with a thump. The shock and pain of his fall brought him somewhat back to reality, and he realized the sound he’d been hearing, which had intruded into his drug-induced state of euphoria, was his door chime. But it was too soon. Someone had disturbed him before the effects of mythranil had worn off. As if at the flick of a switch, Loba’s mood altered from befuddlement to black rage. He took a moment to figure out where each of his limbs were before rising to a crouch and staggering to his feet. Hands trembling and chest heaving, he snatched the meridian map from the floor and put it in his closet before shutting the door. He put the vial of mythranil and needle into the ebony box and snapped it closed. He staggered to his cabin door just as the chime sounded for the fourth time. Whoever it was, the i***t still hadn’t realized the grave mistake he was making. Loba turned on his video link to the corridor. A woman. A member of an RA team. He couldn’t remember her name. “Door, open. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he bellowed. “Are you blind or stupid? How dare you disturb me...” Loba tailed off. The woman was speaking at the same time as him, apparently unaffected by his anger. She repeated herself when he paused. “Master Loba, we found something on the planet surface you need to see urgently.” “What? Now? What the hell’s so important...?” “I can’t explain. You must come with me to the planet. You must come with me immediately.” “The hell I’m going to. I’m not going anywhere. Explain yourself. What is this about? What did you find there? Pah, I don’t care what it is. File a report like you’re supposed to and stop bothering me...” The world spun. He grabbed the doorframe. “It’s very important,” the woman said. “Very valuable. You must come with me and see for yourself. There’s no other way.” What was wrong with her? Why wouldn’t she obey him? He was master. Loba clutched his head. Was this even real? Or was he still in a mythranil dream? His initial fury began to melt into bewilderment and confusion. Maybe he should go with the woman. If this was all part of his vision, he might return to bliss by doing what she said. He peered at her. Why hadn’t she reacted to his fury? He felt chilly, and with sudden horror, he realized he was standing there in his underwear. The woman hadn’t reacted to that either. Calm descended on Loba. None of it was real. He was still under the influence of mythranil. But it was strange. He’d never run like this before. Maybe he’d gotten the dosage or position wrong. He would just have to go with the flow, see the vision through, and then perhaps he would return to paradise for some time before he woke up. “Okay, I’ll come with you.” The woman seemed satisfied. Chapter SixCARL WAS IN THE MIDDLE of destroying the evil mastermind behind the invasion of Planet Zytron when someone rang his door chime. “Better hide, mate,” he said to a pale brown, furry creature that was clinging to an air vent with his feet and wing hooks. The animal looked like something between a bat and a sugar glider, and it had been Carl’s friend since childhood. Ship’s pets were strictly prohibited on any Polestar vessel, but Carl had always thought little Flux would never cause any harm, so it was no big deal if he smuggled him aboard. “Righto,” the creature replied, and flew across the room to an open cupboard. He went inside and a wing hook appeared, gripped the door edge, and pulled it nearly closed. Carl had gone to bed disappointed and hungry after PashaorSasha had failed to show for their date at the shuttle bay. Video games were poor compensation for female company, but he’d concluded that if something seemed too good to be true, it probably was, though he couldn’t understand why the woman would go to the trouble of inviting him on a date only to stand him up. Some people were weird. He frowned and checked the time. Who could it be at this hour? Had PashaorSasha had second thoughts? Or maybe she’d been delayed and come over to apologize for the no show? A small flame of hope flickered. He leapt up and put on his shirt. He stepped into his pants and, pulling them up, he hopped to the door. As he opened it, his heart sped up. It was the geo-phys scientist. “Hi, great to see you. What happened...?” His face fell. Master Loba was a short distance away in the corridor. “Sir,” he said, buttoning up his shirt, but the man didn’t reply. He looked out of it. “You have to take us planetside,” said PashaorSasha “What?” Carl’s fingers hesitated. “You want me to fly you down there right now?” “Yes. Immediately. The master must go to the planet, to the site we were at today. There’s something I have to show him.” “But that’s, that’s...” Carl scratched his scalp. Was it even daylight at that site right now? He didn’t know off the top of his head. He looked at the master again. Loba was leaning against the corridor wall, his white curls mussed up, and his eyes didn’t seem to be focusing too well. Carl had heard the rumors. He pushed his shirt into his pants slowly, buying time to think. It was all completely against protocol. Teams went down to the planet, not just two people, and it had to be for a legitimate reason. No tourist trips. Polestar didn’t fund deep space vacations. If geo-phys had found something, there was a process to follow. But this was Loba’s order, and the man was known for his vindictiveness. If Carl disobeyed without good reason, there would be serious consequences. Stepping into the corridor, he closed his door before going over to Loba. “Sir, is this right? You want me to take you planetside?” The master seemed to take a moment to realize that the pilot was there. He pushed himself off the wall and wavered as he stood upright. “Take and her...” He pointed at PashaorSasha. “Now. Special assignment.” Carl’s frown melted away as everything became clear to him. PashaorSasha had stood him up because she’d had a better offer. The master of a starship, no less. And now she wanted him to take her and her new boyfriend on a drugged-out trip to an alien planet. Great. “Right. I get it. Fine, just fine.” What could he do but agree? He didn’t want to kiss his career goodbye. If he refused, it would mean no flying starships through deep space. No sneck uniform. No female crew members to impress. “Come on then,” he called over his shoulder as he strode away toward the shuttle deck. He knew he shouldn’t talk to the master like that, but the fool was too off his face to notice, probably. PashaorSasha and the master didn’t act like a couple who were hot for each other, Carl noticed as the two came with him and finally sat down in the shuttle’s passenger cabin, but maybe that was their kink. Maybe they were role-playing. His heart sank lower at the thought that he could have been the one pretending to be on ‛official business’ with PashaorSasha. Taking his pilot seat, he contacted the flight deck. His request for clearance to fly was met with predictable confusion. Of course, the lust-sick master hadn’t informed them of his plans. Carl switched his mic to broadcast in the passenger cabin. “Sir, flight deck requires your personal order. You’ll need to step into my cabin.” A few moments later, after fumbling with the door, Loba appeared, looking a little more alert and focused. Taking the spare headset Carl handed him, he spoke into the mic. “This is Master Loba. authorize this trip, reasons.” He blinked and looked at Carl as if he were recognizing him for the first time. After a small delay, the ‛clear’ signal flashed on Carl’s controls as he heard the spoken confirmation. Loba’s verbal order must have passed the security check. Myth clearly didn’t impact the voice much. The master’s hand was resting on the back of Carl’s flight seat. The man hesitated, as if he were about to speak, but he retreated to the passenger cabin. With more force than necessary, Carl flipped the take-off switches and input the previous day’s coordinates into the flight plan. Would it be night or day at the site by the time they touched down? He didn’t have any idea. Would it matter for what PashaorSasha and the master had planned? Carl thrust the clips of his harness home. ***
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