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CHAPTER 5 Sandy shook her head while Kennedy helped her to her feet. “I can’t believe someone would have done this on purpose.” The paramedics had just managed to get Carl onto the stretcher. Kennedy grimaced when she looked at him lying there. Her pastor was always so strong. Confident. But now he looked weak, and it wasn’t because of the extra weight he’d recently lost. One eye was starting to swell. Cuts and scrapes streaked across his face. His hair was matted with dried blood, but at least he wasn’t bleeding as much as at first. “Nobody had any reason to do this,” Sandy whispered. Kennedy wrapped her arm around her shoulders, doing her best to ignore the stains on Sandy’s clothes. “Don’t worry about that right now. What matters is the ambulance is here, and they’re going to get Carl the care he needs.” “He’s such a good man.” Sandy’s voice caught. “Such an honest, godly man. Who would want to hurt him?” Kennedy wished she could say it was still unclear if somebody had hurt him or not, but that wasn’t the case. After taking one look at the scene, the first responder had radioed in to confirm that this was an attack. The police were on their way, and everyone at the church was ordered to remain on the premises. The officers would want to ask questions. Try to figure out what happened, who would have hurt someone as loving as Carl. “Will you be following us in your car then, ma’am?” a first responder with thick glasses asked. “We’re about ready to take your husband to Providence.” Sandy sniffed slightly and tucked her braid over her shoulder. Unruly strands of gray hair hung in sweaty clumps around her forehead. She smoothed out her dress. “I’m not leaving him. I’ll go with you.” The paramedic glanced at one of his partners who shrugged. “It’s all right with me. She can give us a better medical history on the way.” Sandy tilted up her chin. “Thank you. I just need to find my son.” The paramedic cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, we don’t have that kind of room. If you two want to follow us to the hospital in your own vehicle, that would definitely be ...” “I can drive Woong,” Kennedy offered. “Mom?” The high-pitched voice in the doorway made Kennedy start. “Oh, my baby.” Sandy rushed toward Woong and hugged him while he made a valiant effort to squirm free. “What’s going on?” he asked. “Someone told me Dad got hurt, but I knew he must be lying because Dad wouldn’t ...” Woong stopped when Sandy moved him out of the way to make room for the two men transporting the stretcher. “Holy macaroni.” Woong’s face scrunched up. “What’s wrong with Dad?” “Shh.” Sandy buried her cheek against his hair. “It’s all right, son. Daddy had a little accident, and these nice folks are going to take him to the hospital so they can make him all better. Would you like to ride with Daddy in the ambulance, son?” The paramedic cleared his throat. “I’m afraid there won’t be room for both of you, but you’re welcome to follow us and meet us at the ...” Sandy shook her head and stared down at him. “That man you’re transporting is the father of my son. He’s his only living male relative he’s got left in this world, at least so far as we know. And so I’m going to tell you again. We are going to ride to the hospital with his father. Together.” He shook his head. “Not gonna work. I’m sorry. We’ll need all the space we can get, and if something happens in transit ...” “Like what?” Sandy interrupted. “What would you expect to happen? What could go wrong now?” Kennedy was busy studying Woong’s scrunched-up face and put her arm around Sandy. “Let me drive you, ok? It’s the least I can do to help.” Sandy hadn’t taken her eyes off her husband. “It will be all right,” Kennedy whispered, hoping she was speaking the truth. “Come on. You and Woong get your things ready, and I’ll meet you at your car. Do you know where the keys are?” “Carl usually keeps them in his pocket.” Sandy’s voice trembled. After a quick explanation and a little help from the paramedics, Sandy took the car keys from Carl’s pants and handed them to Kennedy. “I can drive myself, you know. You don’t have to do this.” “I know.” Kennedy offered what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “But I want to. Just think of it as a thank you for all the ways you’ve been there for me in the past, all right?” Sandy frowned. “Ok. I’ll meet you at the Honda. It’s in the usual spot.” She gave Kennedy a quick hug and turned to her son. “Woong, honey, do you have anything you need to take with you? Did you finish that math assignment I gave you earlier?” Kennedy slipped out while Woong gave an excuse about losing his workbook. She had to find Willow. Had to tell her that she was driving Sandy and Woong to Providence. Had to tell Willow about Carl’s brutal attack.
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