1890 Words

And yet to refuse would be to destroy the Duke’s faith in her. She drew in her breath. “If that is what you – want me to do,” she said in a very small voice, “then, of course, I will – do it.” “You mean that? You really mean it?” he asked. “I mean – it.” He gave a cry that was almost a shout as he carried on, “You love me, you really love me! I knew it last night when I kissed you, but I thought I must have been dreaming. But now, my precious darling, you have proved your love and I swear I will never allow you to regret it.” As he spoke, he put his arms around her, swept her against him and once again he was kissing her with fiercely passionate lips that made her tremble against him. Even as the ecstasy he had evoked in her last night was again throbbing through her there came a k

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