1.The Encounter

928 Words
“Are we really going to do this again Roxanne?” my aunt's voice came cutting through the music that blasted from my earphones. “What is it now?” I replied while gazing down at my aunt. I stood on the second floor of our house in a little area that I had designated as mine. It was my arts and crafts area to do my artwork and right now I just wanted to finish my work in peace. I know I was supposed to help out at the bakery today but I had at least thirty minutes left before I needed to go. I could feel my face starting to reflect my frustration of being interrupted. My eyes now squinted, lips pursed and jaws slights clenched to prevent a huff. “I still have thirty minutes” came my bratty reply. “You had thirty minutes an hour ago, now you’re going to be late and Jason is going to be late for his next job.” She scolded. After a quick glance at the watch on my wrist, I saw that her anger was valid and I was late. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I began my apologies. “Just hurry” was my aunt’s only reply. Luckily the the bakery wasn’t too far from the house, only a five-minute walk that could turn into a three-minute sprint. When I got to the bakery I was a panting mess. My hair was everywhere. I could hardly breathe. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I felt like I was dying. Jason spotted me through the window, when our eyes met he looked at me with a tilted head and a raised brow as if to ask if I was okay. I responded with several nods and thumbs up but I knew I looked far from okay. Hunched over with both hands resting on my knees, while I took deep breaths, I tried to compose myself before walking into the bakery because customers were already there. We don’t usually get too much traffic but we do have a steady supply of customers, this included our regulars from the neighborhood and businessmen and women who decide to stop by during their lunch. Jason was a part-timer my aunt had hired to give me some time off after a recent robbery attempt. Today was my first day back to work. “You okay over there ?” Jason asked with a chuckle when I finally entered the bakery. “Yeah I’m fine, just peachy” I replied with a hint of sarcasm, he knew I was still dying. My face was slightly still flushed, not that he could really tell. “Okay. I’m gonna head out” he stated as he began to clean up the area he was in,” Oh don’t forget to message Julia, you know she worries” he added before stepping outside. As per his reminder, I messaged my aunt. ‘Here.’ To which she responded, ‘Good be safe.’ Looking around, I enjoyed my moment of peace. Pastries of all sorts beautifully decorated the tables. Not only pleasing to the eyes but also pleasing to the olfactory. The familiar scent of freshly baked bread that lingered in the air paired with the hint of heated sugar and chocolate left me salivating. ‘It wouldn't hurt anyone if I took a cinnamon roll.’ The thought popped into my head and as I was about to go for the pastry the bell attached to the front door chimed, notifying me of a customer’s arrival. I looked up to see an Asian man. He was on the taller side. He looked like he straight walked out of a Korean drama. Piercing dark charcoal eyes, dark hair, and a chiseled jaw. He wore a dark blue suit with a high button-up collared shirt covering his neck. “Annyeonghaseyo” I said it before I could stop myself. As if it were a reflex it was accompanied by a slight smile and bow. At times like this, I was happy that my dark skin didn’t blatantly betray my embarrassment. I slapped my hand over my mouth still in disbelief of my actions. ‘I need to stop watching so many Korean dramas and reality series, they have me picking up mannerisms that aren’t for me’ I peeked over at the mystery man to see that he wasn’t even looking at me. ‘Thank God’ He continued to scan the tables for a while before coming up to look at the pastries stored in the glass cases at the counter. He pointed to the Chocolate Cream Pie display. “Would you like it whole or slices?” I asked him with a polite smile. Rather than the vocal response that I expected he did a circular motion. “Whole?” I asked to verify his order. He nodded. “Will that be all sir?” He pointed to the Pie again and held up two fingers. “Should I ring up two Chocolate Cream Pies ?” I verified again. He nodded. “Would you like to add anything else?” I did a final check before closing his order. He walked over to the table and came back with two Strawberry Danishes. I did a final review of his orders before checking him out. As he was about to leave he paused, came back to the counter, and took out his phone. He showed me a message on his phone. [I’m Japanese…Konnichiwa]
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