Chapter 76During the lunch break, Simmons decided it was about time he had another talk with his client. The odds were stacking pretty high against him and Simmons didn’t like Sadir staunch attitude. He cared only to stay in prison—for how long didn’t matter—and not to see the outside of his cell until he was sure his family was safe and Lypsick was out of the way. He didn’t want to reveal any details of his connections with any member of the federal agencies or that of Mossad. Simply put—Sadir was not talking. “Okay, Mr. Sadir, you’ve heard what we’re up against for almost three weeks of trial, and I can’t do my job if you won’t talk. We’ve got the Prince on the stand this afternoon, and I tell you right now, he’ll bury you. Billycan is digging your grave as we speak. He’s not going to e