Chapter 2 Meet the ex-husband

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Joseph frowned unconsciously. As he stopped walking, the two bodyguards followed closely behind the trio also stopped walking immediately. They were frowning at the woman who was standing close to their boss. Isabella's has grown really big balls because their boss, Joseph, kept her silent. Their boss just took her out to talk about a contract, and she pushed her nose up and demanded for more, like it was her birthright? Joseph turns his face to Isabella and asked indifferently, "What is our relationship?" "..." Isabella was speechless, and she chuckled silently like Joseph was playing a joke. "Joseph..." "In that case, I don't want to hear it again." His lips edges tipped downwards in a frown, and then he raised his hand and removed Isabella's hands on him. When he completely broke their contact, he stepped away. "Joseph!" Isabella gave a cry of disbelief and quickly chased him. Mark has already been attracted by the loud voices of the conversation stood up and went to watch more vividly. At the moment when Joseph left indifferent to Isabella, he turned and saw the knife-cut face and angular facial features, which were somewhat similar to what he saw in the mirror every day. Mark eyes were almost popped out of his head, and the spoon in his hand fell to the ground with a thud. "Mommy! That uncle looks like me!" Mark said with a high decibel. With the high sound of his voice, he suddenly attracted many people's attention, including, Joseph. The waiter lifted the curtain for him, and he stepped up the steps, but instinctively heard a lilting voice so smooth that he paused slightly and turned his head towards the sound. His eyes swept over Mark's face, and then fell on the straight and slender woman sitting near Mark. "Who?" Rose is a little confused. "Him!" Mark raised his finger in one direction. In the direction Mark pointed out, Rose's eyes. When they landed on the man's face, her hand holding the knife and fork tightened so much that her veins popped out. She turned pale as her eyes landed on the man. "Joseph" Rose said the name, a word that she had refused to mention, even in her mind for the past seven years. Also in that second, she felt the scab that has formed in her heart and the pain of it tearing again. Seeing that it was her and making sure it was her, Joseph's face seemed to have been made of granite. He stood there with dark eyes, thin lips, black suit and a simple white sleeve shirt underneath, still shocking people with his elite business charm. The only change was the moment David turned around. Two men's eyes, met across the distance. His fingers with cigarette tightened slowly and put out the cigarette butt but inching it between two fingers. Oh, after all these years, she was still together with this person? Moreover, it was now a family of three, happy and perfect, how much he hated the image they presented. With his lips pressed together, Joseph's smile was thin and cold. He naturally notices Mark's and saw the resemblance between her and the boy but he has no interest in the children she birthed for other men. "Long time no see..." Rose pulled her lip in between her teeth. She obviously didn't expect to meet her ex-husband, Joseph, on the first day of returning home. "Joseph, I've heard a lot about you. I'm David from Morris Group." Before Rose could object, David had pulled his chair back and walked to Joseph while presenting his hand for a handshake. The voice she wanted to use to intercept David was stuck in her throat, and her heart tightened like a vise. Joseph's gaze moved away from the woman's face and landed on David's five fingers stretched out toward him, with a thin, cool sneer on his lips. "I don't seem to know you well." He replied with his voice faint, he placed his hands deliberately in his trousers with no tendency to shake David’s hands and his actions was so deliberate that others took notice of it too. David slowly dropped his hand which made him feel embarrassed even as he gritted his teeth together in anger. Joseph at this moment, suddenly took sudden strides, leaving David behind as he moved to the table David had come from, he didn’t stop until he was in front of Rose. "What do you want to do?" Rose whispered shakily as her head tilted up so she could see Joseph face well since he was standing too close to her. Mark eyeing the newcomers went back to hold Rose's hand. Then like a little adult, he stepped between Joseph and his mother. "Don't bully my mommy!" The man’s face was cold and glaring as if he were going to eat his mommy and that made Mark scared even though he stood his ground. "I have something to talk about with your mother." Joseph stared at the face of the woman in front of him, but he spoke to Mark. He turned his head, as if he remembered something, and looked at David. His voice was as cold as ice. "David wouldn't mind, would he?" "This..." David didn't know what to say for a while, and stopped talking. There was no one in New York city who didn’t know who Joseph was, he literally dripped authority and power and here was no difference. And David, who was only the general manager of very big company, was simply unable to compete with Joseph. He didn’t have the power to say no. "Of course not." Keeping a gentle smile, he made concessions which he was not okay with. "Oh..." The man is 6’1 feet tall, and there was a cold air of affluence all over him. Rose was so flustered when he turned his head down to look at her again that when she wanted to lower her head, he suddenly leaned down, and the cold and harsh voice floated to her ears. "Rose, do you know what oath I made on the day you left?" With a tremor in her heart, she looked up and saw that his expression was more intense, filled with hate. All which he directed to her. Mark, however, lift up his face and stare at the scene between his mother and the man with big eyes, looking at their seemingly intimate actions, which is very uncomfortable. “Is there anything you can't say in front of me that you need to say it close to my ear?” Rose narrowed her eyes at her ex-husband. There must be something fishy. Even though the man was the love of her life and this one was clearly the older version of him, the goodness he had then has disappeared completely. "I swore that in my life, I never wanted to see-" He tilted his head, and his cold breath went straight to her cheek. "This face of yours." Joseph's voice was so low that only Rose could hear it. Her heart stuttered at the same time he has stood up straight, looking at her with cold eyes, "I hope, this is the last time." As he spoke those last words, Isabella trotted up in her high heels, calling out his name. 'Joseph'. Rose looked away at Isabella’s intimate call. When she looked back, Joseph was already waking away from her side, feeling absolutely unburdened by the chaos he just caused in her world. "Rose, are you all right?" When she was wavered even though she was still sitting, David reached out and held her with a gentle and concerned face. "Do you know Joseph?" He asked almost uncertainly. Joseph is a famous and powerful man in business and political circles, and he won't open his mouth to talk to unfamiliar people. The man was as eccentric as they came. A person who can get Joseph to talk in her ear, a woman for that matter, they must have an inexplicable relationship between them! "What did he say to you?" David went on to ask. "Nothing." Shaking her head, she took a deep breath and looked for her son only to see Mark touching his chin and looking at the direction Joseph took when leaving with a thoughtful look on his face.  Noticing his mother attention on him. "Mommy, that uncle and I really look alike!" Mark is still thinking about this problem, and it is obvious that there are some connections between that uncle that just left and his mommy. "He can't be my father, can he?" He expressed his confusion. "Mark!" Rose stopped Mark's little words. Meeting David's slightly suspicious eyes, she fixed a fake smile on her face. "David, it's not what you think. There is no way that I could have dated Joseph. How was that possible?” David lost the suspicion in his eyes, Rose was right. That was not possible. He didn’t know that Rose, not only dated but got married to the man in question. 
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