4| Binding Runes

1386 Words
Jonea Fallon This big and scary man stared at me from behind his devil-like mask. I was sitting as far away from him as I could. I just want to know why he said he would make me his bride? That's not what I want. I still have up to 20 minutes to cancel this contract. Cringle… I'm suffocating. Again he tugged at the iron shackles around my neck. Our faces met even though he was still covering it with a mask. I gripped the restraints tightly so he wouldn't pull them any tighter. I saw his face at the auction as he peeked out from behind the mask. I just saw his cynical smile, truly like the smile of a cold-blooded killer. The car goes fast. I glanced out the window, and people were not paying attention to us. Of course, there won't be. "Let me go!" I groaned in pain. He looked at me intently. The mask was the only distance between us. Our faces are entirely opposite. Suddenly he took off his mask and showed his natural face before me. Yes, he is very handsome. Typical of men who will be loved by girls of all ages. Even though there was no smile or friendliness on his face, he was still like a magnet that made my eyes unable to blink or look away. He untied the shackles around my neck and whispered. "Daran Carver, that's my name!" I completely froze. His voice could even sedate me. The man reached out with his white-gloved right hand and brushed the hair on my left ear. I dare not move. I'm afraid he'll kill me if I makes any sudden moves. If I die, then all of this will be for nothing. "I already guessed. You are indeed the owner of the blood of the red moon. You may not be able to see the mark in your ear, but I can. Lucky for you, right?" I gasped in surprise. Suddenly, my memory returned to Aland when we were in the cave. He had also said something similar. "You have the mark," Aland whispered. "Cover it up, and don't let anyone see it, Jonea." Instantly I became gloomy. "Lucky?" I gave him a sinister smile. "Who are you? Until you are willing to spend that much money just to buy me?" "To be precise, to buy the special blood within your body." "Everything is useless if I'm still sealed. No one can break the seal within me." "You underestimate me, little fox? I know you intend to cancel the contract of sale and purchase with me. But, before you decide, let me tell you something." I saw the man reopen our purchase and sale contract. He read the note that Arman had written there. "Jonea Fallon, 20 years old and very obedient. So to educate her will not be difficult!" He snapped his finger at that point. "I doubt you're a pushover. You're an energetic and rebellious girl, I think. You have fooled Arman, but you can't fool me." He glanced at me haughtily. I kept quiet and thought about the time before I could no longer cancel this contract. "What do you want to tell me?" I don't have any more time. I had to convince myself that he could unseal the wolf inside me. "You really are impatient, huh? I know your last name shouldn't be Fallon; it's Rawling!" At that moment, I felt like I was dropped from a cliff. Does he know about my biological parents? They're both lycans, but... Bang! Everything happened so fast. There was a very great shock. I could see the car glass shattered, and my body seemed to float. I saw a sharp shard of glass go into my eyeball. Then, everyone fell silent. It was as if time had been frozen. I was in a floating position in the back seat. Reverse car. My head almost hit the center. I was conscious and could see everything but couldn't move. The car we were driving hit something. Daran suddenly embraced me with complete protection. A second later, we were standing at the side of the road with the driver and two other men in black coats. I am still determining where they came from. The two men in black coats protected Daran and me from attacks. I saw the car we were driving was destroyed. Another car deliberately hit it. I was confused about how I could suddenly move and stand by the roadside in Daran's arms. "You know them, little fox?" whispered Daran angrily. I searched for who Daran meant. It was then that I could see everything clearly. A group of werewolves in an armored vehicle crashes and blocks our way. My instincts ordered my body to run. I don't want to get caught by them. "Luke Draken, the Alpha King who destroyed the Blue Sapphires." I involuntarily trembled at the mention of that name to Daran. "Uh, so he's Luke Draken?" Luke and his troops are approaching us. It wasn't Luke's presence that hurt me, but the man beside Luke. Hunter Abraham. That night after choosing Aland as my mate, a black and scary creature gripped and took Aland away. Edison and Elmar tried to save him but in vain. When I woke up, the country of Blue Sapphire had been attacked by Alpha King–Luke Draken, with the help of an army of dragons. The Blue Sapphire became a sea of fire. Elmar and Edison were forced to surrender. Their pack members were killed without a trace for refusing to submit. I don't know how Edison and Elmar have fared since that day. As for Hunter, he had really become a coward. He chose to submit and become Luke Draken's slave. "Leave that girl to me!" Luke stood facing Daran. Daran, who didn't know when he had put his mask back on, even grabbed my waist to stand beside him. "Unfortunately, I have already bought this girl!" Luke growled. "Her uncle has already sold her to me!" "Oh, but Jonea sold herself to me!" Daran replied more arrogantly. "Is this sale and purchase contract you mean?" Hunter showed the auction contract previously held by Daran. I was startled. How can Hunter have it? "Technically, she still has five minutes to cancel her contract with you!" Hunter glanced at me coldly. Daran squeezed my waist. I know Daran won't be able to do anything if I cancel the contract. But I know Daran has the great magic ability. Besides being a mighty Lycan King, he also has the power that will be able to unseal the wolf on my body. Daran is my only hope now. If I fall into Luke Draken's hands, I won't be able to save Aland once and for all. Then, I would also have no hope of finding and meeting Miller. Hunter still held the contract and flaunted it in front of Daran. "I… chose Daran Carver as my lord!" Everyone froze. Hunter looked at me intently. I'm not going to come to you, Hunter. The contract in Hunter's hand burned by itself as a sign that the contract could not be canceled. The fire from the contract felt like it was burning the skin on my arm. When I looked, on my right hand appeared a rune (magic spell) like a blazing flame. The fire went out, leaving an intricate black tattoo of a hexagonal seal on my skin. "Seal it as a sign that from today, you are mine, Jonea!" whispered Daran. "f**k!" Luke cursed. "Quickly catch that girl and bring her to me!" Daran tapped the tip of his staff on the ground. Wow! A strong gust of wind hit our bodies. I reflexively closed my eyes because the wind was too strong. My body felt swaying and nauseous. When I opened my eyes, we had already changed places. "Welcome to my home!" Daran pulled his arm from me. I need some clarification. We really have moved on. Currently, we were standing in front of an old stone building, black, tall, and filled with neglected shrubs. "This is what you call home?" "Yeah, where we'll spend our first night as a married couple!" Daran grabbed the shackles on my hands and dragged me inside.
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