Chapter 9 - Talk Show Interview.

1879 Words

Lacey's P.O.V. "MUM!!, DAYTON'S BOUNCING ON HIS BED AGAIN!!" For god's sake. "DAYTON, WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?" "YOU TOLD ME TO STOP BOUNCING ON THE BED!!" "EXACTLY, SO PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU'RE STILL DOING IT?" "ERM...I..I..I FORGOT!!" Forgot my ass. "WELL, NEXT TIME DON'T FORGET UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO CALL UP SANTA CLAUS AND TELL HIM DAYTON WRIGHT HAS BEEN A NAUGHTY BOY AGAIN!!" I threatened my son using a parent's number one weapon when it comes to getting their kids to be good. "NO MUMMY, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T CALL UP SANTA CLAUS!!" "WELL, BE A GOOD BOY THEN!!" "OK!!" Dayton groaned in defeat. I smiled happily as I headed into the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee before going back into the living room to finish wrapping up some of the Christmas presents I bro

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