Chapter 62 - Six Years Of Anger - Part 1.

1575 Words

The Next Day... Lacey's P.O.V. I feel like I've been going through the five stages of grief ever since my family decided to air all of their dirty laundry on national television yesterday. At first, I was in shock and denial because I couldn't believe my family would do this and I didn't want to believe it either. I mean, I understand why they'd do it but it didn't seem right to me, the more I sat and watched it, the more I felt like they were gaslighting me in a way or they were trying to make themselves look like both the villain and the victim which isn't possible just ask Amber Heard. Anyway, after the shock and denial wore off, I quickly found myself in a very depressive state and for the life of me, I couldn't stop crying. Even when Logan came home and he embraced me and told m

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