Chapter 48 - A Bad Night For GiGi - Part 2.

1731 Words

GiGi's P.O.V. "I finally made this beautiful, perfect woman who is standing next to me mine and I'm so incredibly proud to introduce you all to my wife Lacey Black and our three children Logan Junior, Dayton and Teddy Black" WHAT THE f**k?. This is a joke, right? I mean, it's gotta be. There's no way Logan, MY Logan married that basic Betty over someone like me, it's just not possible and those kids...where the hell did they come from?. The last time I checked, Lacey was head over heels in love with her fiance Dylan and there's no way she would've cheated on him even if he was cheating on her because she was too mousy and prudish to have s*x with him back then, let alone have s*x with the hottest and sexiest bachelor in New York City. Unless Miss Lacey isn't as sweet and innocent as

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