Chapter 30 - Chat With My Bestie.

1850 Words

Lacey's P.O.V. It's been a few hours since our plane took off for New York and I've been an anxious mess ever since but it's not for the reasons you're probably thinking. Ever since I told Logan he should wait a few more hours until we're alone so that we can have s*x again, I've been feeling very on edge and my nerves have spiked. I shouldn't have told him this because I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. Even though the horny and lust-filled part of my mind, body and soul was screaming at me to rip his clothes off, straddle his body and ride him like a merry-go-round, the more rational and anxious part of me prevented me from doing that. "Are you ok, love? you're unusually quiet" "I'm fine" I say whilst flashing my husband a smile. My husband. God, I don't think I'll ever

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