Chapter 54 - Don't Mess With Lacey Black.

1660 Words

Lacey's P.O.V. "WHAT THE f**k IS GOING ON IN HERE?" I was furious, I was livid, I was apoplectic, angry, irate, enraged, whatever word you can think of to describe the pure, unadulterated rage I was currently feeling because I'm all of that and more. After I left the Greystone, I decided to go and see Logan and discuss GiGi's latest shenanigans with him because I didn't wanna just sit back and rely on Abby to get all of this sorted out for me even though she's got more experience with this than me. Before Abby was an agent for writers she was a lawyer for a top New York law firm but she quit because she hated how demanding the job was for her. Anyway, as I said earlier, I didn't wanna rely on Abby so I went to see Logan but when I got there, my already short fuse was growing smaller a

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