Chapter Two-2

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“Mine too,” said Ellen. “I spent a few hard shopping days trying to find the exact outfit to match Gwen’s. It wasn’t easy. When Willie wrote those stories, women’s clothes were a lot different. It’s too bad they didn’t have spandex back then though. I think he would have loved that stuff. Sorry, Katy, I didn’t mean to get off track. Go ahead.” “So, I got dressed in the whole Gwen outfit, or as close as I could get to the original drawing: the white, long sleeved, cotton blouse, open to the fourth button, the hair tied up with a ribbon, a tight pencil skirt that came half way up my thighs, the smoky black hose with the seam up the back and, of course, the extra high heels. The underwear was the best part. A few days before, while shopping in the city, I had picked out a really wonderful, lace-trimmed demi-bra, sort of like a Wonder Bra, that pushed my t**s up and together, making yummy cleavage. It just sort of screamed “tie me up in this”, so I had to wear it for the occasion.” She stopped and glanced at Frank, who was grinning broadly. “Don’t mind him, Katy,” Ellen said. “Mention bras and Frank gets a hard on it’s sort of his top fetish. Go on.” “Well, finally, not wanting to miss any part of the fun, I dragged up an old mirror from the tack room and leaned it against one wall at an angle so that I could see myself once I was in the proper position. The skylights in the roof let in a lot of daylight, so I decided not to turn on the loft lights because it might attract attention if my folks got home before I was finished. I wanted the time to be mine and mine alone.” “I know the feeling,” Ellen said. “Me too,” added Frank, grinning. “Did you wear the same kind of bloomers…ah, knickers, I mean?” “Dirty old man,” Ellen interjected, lightly whacking Frank on the shoulder. “Let her tell her story, Frank. You can get lingerie details later.” “The panties,” Katy continued, “were vintage Willie, but tighter, cut higher on the sides and not frilly. I hate frilly stuff, so that was a bit of a compromise with the original look. The white lace garter belt was a necessity because I had not been able to find panties with garters on them, so again, I sort of compromised with the original drawings, but from what I could see in the mirror, it looked great. The last item that I took was a Polaroid camera that had the wireless remote accessory and of course, a tripod.” “Wireless remote?” asked Ellen. “I didn’t know they made such a thing. How did that work?” “It was the gift from Polaroid to people who wanted private photos of themselves and didn’t want to send film to be processed. It only worked on special camera models and it had a wireless, hand held remote button that fired the camera and flash, ejected the finished photo and reset it for the next picture. They promoted it as being suitable for nature photos and such, but I think a lot of sales went to people like me. So you could take eight photos without having to reset or reload. It wasn’t cheap, but it sure was neat.” “Wow,” said Frank. “I guess we missed that one.” “So, anyway,” Patty continued once again, “I set up the tripod and camera so that when I was all ready, I could shoot a few shots for myself. I tucked the remote into the waist band of the panties and garter belt, making sure that it wouldn’t fall out and that I could reach it before I set the final wrist bonds. “All of this I had brought in my luggage when I went for a visit, hoping for this sort of opportunity. I had plenty of rope, a sharp, fixed blade hunting knife, good gagging materials and two pair of regular hand cuffs, which in the end, thank God, I decided not to use. If I had, I might still be up in that loft. I also had a good supply of chain, some small locks with combinations, not keys, and four or five steel chain dog collars, the kind with the welded rings at the ends. These were in full circle loops using master or repair links to complete the loop, not the slip through the ring arrangement that lets the loop tighten up. The repair or master links always seem to work best for connecting the rings at the ends, but I have tried other things, like small luggage locks and split rings that can be forced if you really pull on them. As you probably know, these repair links have a threaded closure like a karabiner and can be easily opened or secured just by turning the screw locks, as long as you keep them lubricated and don’t tighten them with a wrench or pliers.” “Sounds like you hauled a lot of stuff around,” Frank commented. “Didn’t your folks wonder why you had so much baggage?” “No, not really. It all fit in one medium duffle bag and the heavy stuff went into my rucksack. Besides, they, the parents, always traveled heavy too, no matter where they went, (and they traveled a lot). So no one was alarmed when I showed up with extra bags.” “Okay, sorry to interrupt. Please continue. It’s a good story,” Frank added. “Oh, it gets better. I tied my ankles with nice, soft but strong, quarter inch, three strand nylon rope, circling around both ankles several times to even out the strain, then cinching it tightly and looping it under the shoes so that they could not be kicked off. I figured that I had the entire day to play, so was in no hurry and did things up very carefully. To complement the ankle rope, I added a short length of chain and two locks. I wound it twice around my bound ankles and secured it with a combination padlock, then locked the other end to a tie down ring mounted in the wooden floor. There were lots of these rings around on the loft floor. They were used to secure tarps to cover bales of hay and straw when they were put up in the loft. I set that chain just tight enough so that when I stood up, the chain pulled tight and my high heels were really kind of riveted to that spot. “Next, I tied my legs below and just above the knees, again wrapping it several times to form a wide rope band and making sure that the rope was loose enough to allow for a good cinch and the possibility that I might want to kneel later on. I used another length around the tops of my thighs, just below the garters. This I wound several times around my legs and it formed a very tight band, digging into the skin and muscle so that it wouldn’t slip or slide down later. I cinched that one too, but carefully. You know how that works, I guess. If the legs are bound too tight, then when you bend your knees the binding gets too tight and is painful and dangerous.” “Good for you,” said Frank. “That’s very true and a lot of amateurs get into trouble that way.” “Right,” said Katy. “So I went to stand up and the camera remote dropped out of the garter belt and fell at my feet. I eased back to the floor, picked up the remote and tried to figure out where I might keep it. Then I thought of the duct tape and that was the solution. With a short piece of tape, I placed the remote, which was about the size of two nine volt batteries side by side, on my left wrist, like a watch, where, even with bound hands, I would be able to reach it easily. So then, once again, I stood up under this sturdy, low roof beam and checked to make sure it would hold my weight. I already had thrown a couple of long lengths of rope over the beam so that I wouldn’t have to bend down to pick them up later. It was almost impossible for me to reach the floor from this position with my feet anchored to the floor ring and legs tied so tightly in all four places, so I hung everything I thought I’d need from that low beam. “Then, always thinking about safety, I stuck the hunting knife in its sheath and put it under the garter belt at the center of my back. This was my only safety net and I didn’t want to lose it, but I also wanted it out of the way while I played. The sheath has a small Velcro slot that I hooked onto the belt, so it would stay put. “Next, I put in the cloth gag, a clean, new wash cloth. I did it very carefully and well, stuffing the fluffy cotton fabric material into my mouth, pressing my tongue down and then filling the cheeks. When I was done, I yelled and screamed to test it and found that while I could make some limited noise, I wouldn’t be heard very far from where I was. Like in the drawing, I then wrapped a narrow band of cloth around my head several times, forcing the gag deeper into my mouth and then tying it off behind my head, right below my ponytail hair ribbon.” “Well,” interrupted Ellen, carefully following the story, “I can already see some problems and some danger. You made some mistakes.” “Oh, yeah,” said Katy. “But you know that some danger is always a part of the self bondage mix, right?” “Yes, that’s true, psychologically, I suppose,” said Ellen cautiously. “But physically you still need to protect yourself. Given the situation you describe, I would have worried.” “You’re right, of course,” Katy said. “But that’s not the half of it. I was really into this and sweating a lot, even though it was cool in the loft. At that point, I put on a pair of long, black calfskin gloves and buttoned the cuffs just above the elbow. They were very snug and the fingers were a bit too long for my hands, so getting them on just right was hard to do and I knew I’d never get them off without being at least as free as I was at that time. The long fingers made it hard to do the buttons. “So, then I took another long length of rope from the beam to make what I call an arm band loop. I selected a piece that was long enough so that when made into a three or four strand loop, it would bring my elbows closer together and hold my arms back. I don’t know about you guys, but this is one of those things that I really like and have the hardest time doing.” “True,” said Frank. “Without someone else’s help, it’s almost impossible to get a really good elbow bind. The leather single sleeves work well, but you can’t usually get them on, (or off, for that matter), without some help or using a “dead man” arrangement.” “Dead man arrangement?” asked Katy. “Is that what I think it is?” “Uh huh,” said Frank. “Once you’ve got it on, you aren’t getting it off without some outside help. That’s a real problem with auto bondage.” “Boy, do I know that’s true. I have wrestled with all sorts of stuff, trying to get my elbows back and every time it either fails or I think, ‘this is not a good idea’ and drop it,” Katy added. “Some people have success with large panty hose, panty girdles and things like that that have a lot of stretch, I have read,” said Frank. “But personally it’s not what I want.” “I agree,” said Katy. “I’ve tried that and it’s too complicated and certainly doesn’t have the look and feel that I want. I mean, it just seems weird to have your arms bound in a girdle, you know. So anyway, as I was doing this, I thought that maybe I should be careful about tying the final knots on my hands. That’s when I got the idea which was later to cost me dearly. I took one of the chain dog collar loops and put both hands through it to measure. I should have stayed with rope, but I wanted to see how much slack I had in the chain. As I tried it on my wrists, I was thinking of several methods that might work. It was, of course, a complete loop of chain with the repair link connecting the two end rings. With hands in front, I had my gloved wrists through it and saw at once that there was plenty of freedom, so I rotated one hand and twisted the chain a bit. There was still too much slack, so I rotated my hand a second time. This tightened the chain nicely and provided a very secure binding for my hands, which in this arrangement, was about two inches apart. I could release the tension simply by rotating one hand and loosening the loop. The safety I set up was that if I failed to untwist my hands, I could also unscrew the repair link, which would open the link and allow me to slip one hand out. I planned on that, but didn’t test it.
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