Beyond tolerance

1512 Words
In morning .. Zain open up his eyes and he feels like someone is hugging him and he knew who can hug him like this ..No matter what but Arjun can't change ever .. Zain tongue is in so much pain his eyes became teary by the pain ...he give a painful moan because even a single try to talk is harming his tongue ... And then he his eyes became teary and he thought " What is my mistake ..Why you punished me always for nothing ..Even you punished me for the things I didn't commit ever .and then now you are punishing Me also for the thing I never did ...I m all innoncent no matter how many times I told you this but you just give one answer that is " You are also innocent and Did this innocence ever helped him ..No ...So you don't give dam who is innocent or not at all .. This is what you told me ..This is what you teached me ..This is what I tought by you ... Arjun wake up and saw Zain whose eyes are teary and he ask " What happen to you now ..In early morning you are crying ..what happen baby boy and Why the hell you were so wriggling .you are ruining my sleep .what the hell is your problem huh .. Zain saw toward Arjun with his teary eyes he want to shout on Arjun he want to tell Arjun about " He is the problem he is having in his life .....but he didn't said anything because he don't have more energy to take another punishment who know if this time he gonna detach his tongue from his mouth ...And then in low voice he replied " It's paining. " .. Because of speaking Zain tongue slightly start bleeding .. And Arjun saw it and he immediately leave Zain and stand up from bed and he took the first box for cleaning his wound ... Zain in low tone again speak " No don't it gonna be more painful ..I don't want it ...And his tongue start bleeding more .. Arjun shout and order " Baby boy don't give me reason to hurt you ..When I m doing something so let me do it if you don't want to make it worse ..and why the hell you were speaking when your tongue is injured and it is bleeding as much you gonna speak ... Zain don't knew what he got into him and he start crying because he was in so much pain and because of crying blood start coming more .... He then with bloody mouth said " I can't do anything according to my own now I can't even speak " ..His voice start became low by each word's just so much painful for him but he didn't stop he said " Kill me Arjun ..kill me ..Now just kill me I don't have patience and I don't have endurance to tolerate more it's now it's beyond my tolerance .. Arjun saw how much blood is coming out from Zain mouth and he went close to Zain and he said " Are you mad huh .when I m saying don't speak you are here crying and talking ...Shut the hell up Zain ..You knew I m not gonna kill you it's better then killing you to keep you with me .. THEN HE TOOK Zain in bathroom with him in bridal style .. After that he place Zain on slab of bathroom he remove Zain clothes and placed him in bathtub after he he filled the bathtub with water ... He start washing Zain face carefully with his mouth he is cleaning it gently with water .. After that he wash Zain hairs and while massaging the with shampoo he said " I m warning you last time Zain no matter I m not gonna leave you ..and it's better if you accept this truth about being with me no matter what ...And about your injury it's better if for some days you speak less or you don't speak at all because if you gonna behave like this " So I m calling doctor and you knew you hate them .. you totally hate doctors ..I can bring doctor here and you knew what he can do ." Arjun was saying this because he knew it's Zain weak point he always hate and scare from doctors more then anything .. Zain immediately nods his head in " No" ... Arjun then kiss Zain forhead and he wash off the shampoo from his hairs and he said " That's my baby boy ..just don't you dare to speak or cry ...because it gonna make worse your injury .. Zain think " Now I m just his doll who can't cry or do anything without his permission .I don't knew how things gonna be if he gonna be like this ..How I m gonna run away this time it's gonna be hard because this time it's getting more monsterous ...he is born but now he is totally a person without any emotions he is just a phsyco... Arjun ask " I m saying something Zain reply me why the hell you are shut .you what to anger me more then I m already ..just give me answer now . Zain nods his head " In yes " .. In anger Arjun grabbed Zain hairs and bring his head to close to him backward and he saw into his eyes and he said " Oh so you want to anger me .so I think you already knew the consequences of making me angry . Zain again nods his head In " No" ... Arjun shout and ask " so you don't knew consequences huh ..I think you are becaming thick skined Zain in these years you became a person with thick skin who are now having courage to answer me like this ... Zain then in low tone replied " You were the one who saying to not talk ..I was noding in yes for getting your order and in no because I don't want to make you angry ... And because of again speaking Zain tongue again bleed little .. .. Arjun said " Okay I got it now see your tongue again bleeding slightly . Don't speak at all .. Zain in annoyance thought " What this man want from me if I speak so he have problme because the injury which is given by him start bleeding and if I just give answer in nod so he again because angry because he don't get for what I saying yes or no .. He is hell angry in both conditions .. what if I don't give him any answer at all so he gonna became hell angry and gonna slit my throat ..because he gonna think I m ignoring him when I was not and this what is his mistake ...but I really don't knew what I m Gonna do when he gonna be like this ... Arjun then clean Zain tongue again softly and he wrap a towel on his body and took him in room and make him wear his one of hoddie because he don't want Zain to catch cold so it's good if he wear hoddie and that hoddie again reaching below his knees because Arjun is bigger then Zain ... After that he saw himself he have some blood on him and also he is wet because of bathing Zain ... Arjun then took Zain with him but this time by holding his hand because he is wet and he don't want to make Zain wet ... he then tie Zain at the chair which is placed Infront of bathroom .. he can tie him on bed in room also but now his heart don't have trust at all he just so much scared about what if Zain again run away from there ..and this time he can't take this ..Now at anytime he can't take this if Zain gonna leave him this time so he don't knew what he is gonna do . Zain can't say anything because of Arjun order about not speaking and when Arjun was tieing Zain on chair with hand cuffs which he knew he have these here because these handcuffs have there own memories like this whole house have. he can't forget anything Each and every corner have some story and Everything in this home have story why they are here . Even a single pin have a story why they are present here and he don't want to remember those memories all .. He is now tied like he is somekind of animal who need to be tied to protecting others.. But here this animal which he is himself is for Arjun is tied because his so called owner have fear he gonna run away which is totally truth because he really gonna run away at the instance where he gonna have chance and this time he gonna leave this whole country and gonna live at the place where no one ever gonna find him .. Author .. note... 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