Mentally sick ..

703 Words
After some hours .. When Arjun completed his work he went in Zain room and he saw how he was sleeping like a baby . it's really a position in which a small baby sleep ..He went close to Zain and he saw how his innocent face have tears and how In sleep itself his face is showing how much in pain he was .. That make Arjun heart clenched because he is the reason of Zain condition ...He knew how much heatless he was with him but what he can do it's not like he want to do this ..he is heartless but moreover is heart broken ... by what Zain did .. Zain is himself is the reason for the condition he is in now ..But it still make him hurt till the point where he just want to be hurt also like he did with Zain..but its a amazing thing now he can't be hurt more then he is already ... HE HUGGED Zain .. In sleep Zain said "Don't. don't. Plz ..leave me ..His voice is not clear because of his tongue injury But for Arjun it can be most audible things can anyone ever imagine ...For Arjun he can listen everything that comes from Zain mouth .. he then Said " Sleep well ..because you have long way to go through the things from which even a dead body don't want to go ..because when I can give my love till the extent no one can have it I can give my revenge till the point where even a dead body don't want to have it. .. After saying this he hugged Zain tightly . On another side . Sky reached at his home and he did is night business and he was alone siting and he thought " Where are you Zain I m scared what if something hapoen to you why it happen .why he kidnapped and why the he was talking like he knew you and why the hell you wss so much scared. .I have many questions and no answer ..And only you can give answer of these questions . You can only tell what happen to you .. I knew from start you have some problem in your life which you were hiding vbuy whenever I asked you just hide it and changed it ..but at that time I was thinking you just need time for opening but no matter how much time j give to you .you never open up and I didn't tried to forcefully open you but here it's happen and I don't knew how you are now .. Everything is mess up now ...God knows what is gonna happen .But I pray things gonna be fine with you because by the way that man was looking at you it's clear showing nothing gonna be fine show how things gonna be if you gonna be with him .. Then someone knocked on him door and he thought it's good delivery man because he ordered food himself he have no need mood for cooking . He opened the door and he saw Arun and he got shocked by thinking how he knew his address and how knew he live here he knew it's something bad gonna happen ..He tried to close the door ..but Arun pushed him inside and he locked the door .. Sky was on the floor and he saw how deadly look Arun was giving to him like " You gonna see what I can do .. Sky shout and ask " Why the hell you entered inside my house how can you invade someone privacy like this are you mental you mentally sick bastard. . Arun smirk and he replied " I m mentally sick basted surely gonna show you how much mentally sick Bastard I m will see how I m ... Sky stand up from the floor and he run towards his room and he locked ... Author note .. Daily updates gonna from now with long chapters.. plz comment and tell me how much you all are liking it ..I m looking forward..this is totally different story with boys love ..let's see how things gonna be .. love you all and shower your love on this novel it's my first story on dreame ..Need support ..
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