Chapter 16

2155 Words

I heard the front door slam shut from Akela's bedroom and knew that Francine was home with the wedding dresses I picked out. I sigh knowing that there was no way I could escape from having to try on those dresses. I snapped my head towards the bedroom door when it suddenly opened and revealed a very annoyed Akela. I'm not sure I want to know what's annoying him, but I have an idea of who is annoying him. " ma chère ma mère wanted  you to come downstairs to try on the dresses." I didn't immediately move like he wanted and he walked to his bed to sit on the opposite side of the one I was currently sitting crisscross apple sauce on. "What's wrong?" I shrugged my shoulders in response to his question, I didn't really want to talk to him about how I didn't want this wedding to happen so fast.

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