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“Four”   Bayu Sutivong-Khumpai woke up to the wonderful scent of citrus and soft embrace of his alpha. The smile on his lips is brighter than the morning rays seeping between the curtains in their bedroom window. He was caressing the bite mark at the back of his neck when a big warm hand pulled his waist. He tilted his head to see the owner of the hand, and his eyes were met by same hazel brown ones. His smile was met by same happy ones. "Good morning, baby." The husky voice of his now mated pair greeted him. "Good morning... my P'Pha." The alpha and his omega snuggled their faces together rubbing each other’s noses with their own, chuckling as they go. "I love you, Yo." "I love you too, P'Pha." "I dreamed of the first time I saw you. In person. I didn't get to talk to you back then." Phraisong is now talking against Bayu's forehead. His little omega smiled. He remembered. Even when he was only three. He remembered. "Chiang Mai." Was what he said. Phraisong hummed. Yes, it was in Chiang Mai. The place where he made his resolve. Not to hurt his cousin's omega. "It was all because of you, baby. Whether you consciously knew about it or not, you lead me to the right path, you helped me do the right thing." Phraisong confessed. While he plays with his necklace, Bayu spoke, "I was three. I don't how it happened but I had dreams of you. You were sad. And my role was to comfort you... ...Even after you left for London some of those dreams would come back. Like reminding myself my lost memories when I was a child." Phraisong tilted Bayu's head, his finger on his chin. He kissed his omega's eyes before he spoke again. "Baby...I saw you for the first time in my dreams before I met you in Chiang Mai. Those dreams...were my dreams, too. We had the same ones. We actually met in our dreams...several times."           Flashback... Phraisong's dreams two days before he saw three year old Bayu in Chiang Mai.  September 15, 2018         Phraisong stands in a red and white decorated ballroom--with ribbons, balloons, flowers. The huge chandelier on the high ceiling is coupled with a disco ball next to it. Couples of different pairings dance on the floor as a soft music plays in the background. But the center of attention is a very sweet twosome right in the middle of it all. Clad in their black formal suits, and wonderful smile that they only dedicate to each other, the two embraced and slowly danced to the tune of The Carpenters' Close To You A few feet from where he stands, a three year old boy is sitting at a round table with a young couple. Young Phraisong and the boy locked gaze at each other. "Wat ya wookin? (What were you looking at?) the little boy asked Phraisong. "Them." Phraisong pointed at the two boys dancing on the floor. He understood the little kid's question. The boy giggled. "Pweetie." (they're pretty.) "Y-yeah." Phraisong responded sadly. "You be wokay." (You'll be okay.) the little boy then smiled at Phraisong. The young man only nodded.                     Phraisong is now standing in front of a door. He opens it and is welcomed by a red carpet that leads to a beautiful altar. A young couple is exchanging marriage vows with each other. They look so happy. And when the two men kissed, the wedding goers all cheered for the newlyweds. Ram and Boon. A boy around an age of eight is sitting on one of the long seats where the witnesses of the ceremony are seated. He got up and stood next to Phraisong. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said. "Y-yeah." Phraisong is heartbroken. He doesn't know why. "You'll be okay." The boy comforted the young man.                     Phraisong stands in a white hall. Standing next to him are four middle aged people and more than a couple of other pairs. The same boy from previous scenes who seem to not have aged much from the last, maybe a year at most, is standing next to two other young couple. "Good you're here." He greeted Phraisong who seems confused. A young man suddenly appeared behind the door that said Delivery Room. "It's a boy, guys!" He excitedly announced to the people in the white hallway. The awaiting family cheered and started hugging each other. One man all of a sudden asked, "Do you have a name yet, P'?" "Finn. Finnegan Vongvanich Jarupanivh." The man replied happily. The nine year old boy nudged on Phraisong's side. "Good name, right?" "Y-yeah." Phraisong uttered the same word---sadly as it was before. "You'll be okay." The boy responded to the young man.                 Phraisong is in a backyard of a huge house. There are people present once again and everyone seems to be bubbly and cheerful as they gather themselves around a little family. Ram and Boon's family. The guests began to sing a birthday song to the boy in the middle. ...."Happy birthday, Finn!!!" Everyone cheered for the newly turned four year old. He blew the candle and received a hug from his parents. One of which is wearing a beautiful few months baby bump. As the two parents share a loving kiss, Phraisong felt a tear fall from his eye. A boy almost thirteen stood next to Phraisong. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" "Y-yeah." Phraisong responded very sadly. "Don't be jealous." the boy held Phraisong's hand. Phraisong stared at the boy confused. "You'll be okay." And the boy gave Phraisong the brightest smile he has ever seen.               Phraisong stands stands in front of a mirror. He looks at himself. He is older. Maybe in his early 30s. This scene feels different. It all feels real. "s**t! Pha! Come on! The party is starting." a hand grabbed Phraisong's and led him into the beach. The people at the party are all wearing white shirts and khaki shorts or skirts for some women. Phraisong noticed he is wearing the required clothing. The people started singing a birthday song. ...."happy birthday dear Bayu, happy birthday to you!" everyone ended the song. The birthday boy blew all sixteen candles and everyone clapped their hands. The teen then walked towards Phraisong's direction. He stood in front of him and gave him the same bright smile---the brightest Phraisong has ever seen. "We'll be okay...P'Pha." ...Flashback ends.                     Phraisong smiled remembering the dreams that he still sometimes would dream of while he was in London. Only that the part he remembers vividly are the ones where his omega would say, "You'll be okay." The doctor held on to the words of comfort his fated omega told him in his dreams. "I told you, you will be okay, P'Pha." Bayu said as he hugged his husband back. Phraisong sniffed on his lavender scented lover. "Yeah. You're amazing, baby. You guided me through the right road even with just the dreams of you..." "Fate...it's amazing, P'Pha." Bayu added. "I'm glad you are my fated alpha." "Thank you, baby. And I'm the happiest alpha to have you... ......I love you so much, Yo." Phraisong's husky voice whispered in his lover's ear. "I love you too, P'Pha... Always." ____________________________________________________  
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