
1503 Words

“Eight”   Less than a week after the birthday party, Phraisong received a voicemail from Kasem. "Come by my house tomorrow at lunch." It was a very short message from Bayu's father but Phraisong was more than ecstatic to hear it. "You've been smiling a lot, it's creeping me out, Phraisong." Boon commented seeing the grin on his friend's face. The two medical students are doing a homework together at the engineering faculty cafeteria. Boon is waiting for Ram to finish his classes while Phraisong tagged along. "P'Kong sent me a message." Phraisong said, still with a grin on his face. "Really? What did it say?" Boon became interested and closed his book. Their homework was already done. He was just reviewing it since Phraisong hasn't finished his yet. "He told me to come by his house

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