Our Irish Princess

1566 Words
La Dispute- Such Small Hands B.B.: Luis Jimenez is moving around the gas chamber pounding on the glass. There's no sound. The nine of us are just standing here watching him squirm. It's a lot f****d up but hey, it happens when you're a rapist, murdering, drug dealer ruining and taking lives simply because he can. Is it hypocritical of me to say that? Yeah. It is. I'm just as bad as he is and I am under no delusion that I'm some kind of heroine but I, at the very least, have qualms about what I am. What's happening to me and it hurts. Deeply. This guy, he doesn't give a f**k about anything. Not even his own life. He's just completely empty on the inside. "Papa Jimenez is coming to town," Carson sighs. I push off the table I'm leaning against and I go over to the glass. Giving our prisoner my back. Luis is banging on it behind me now. I slide down the glass until my bottom hits the floor. "What does that mean for us?" Marco asks. Dylan offers him a Twizzlers and he takes one. He then offers one to Nat who also takes one. He holds up the package to offer me one. I shake my head. I prefer red vines and the black ones. They taste like Yaeger. "He's going to want a sit-down and he's going to want to talk about Thompson," Carson takes a twizzler. My dad gets up and hands me a popcorn cup. I take it and toss one up to catch it in my mouth. "What do you want to do about her?" my dad asks, not just to me. To the entire room. "I want to kill her," Nat and Stacy say at the same time. My dad smiles at them. "You have better friends than I did," he smirks before he goes back to the table Carson and I f****d on. Does he know that? f**k, I hope not. "We can't," I shake my head. "Not without pissing Damian off," "Why is he so important to you?" Lucien growls. He pushes off the closet door he's leaning against and begins to pace. "He's not a crow and he sure as f**k isn't a devil," "He's my friend. He's one of us. Like the rest of us, in love with what he can never really possess," I pick up a piece of popcorn and throw it back into the cup deciding snacks aren't really what I want right now. "He's finding his footing but he's going to be a good asset if he continues to feed properly," "So, what do you want to do about Thompson?" Carson asks dismissing the whole thing with Damian. "I want to pin this death on her," I tap the glass behind me. "And the Jimenez girl," "f**k," Lucien stops pacing and smiles. "You don't piss Damian off and she just might end herself in that jail cell while she's cut off from her stone. You f*****g evil genius," I don't bother to say anything because he's right. If she's cut off from the others, she'll probably end up with her own noose around her pretty ebony throat. I look down at my boots and sigh. This feels familiar. Not in an, I've been here before kind of way but in an, I know someone who has. Delilah. I think it's time to get some answers. My dad wants Tobias Blackstone and I want to know what you did. "We have the means for that right?" I ask Carson. "I'll get it done," he nods. I get up and grab the keyboard with all the poisonous gases I've stored up. I hand it to Stacy. "Greens mean he suffers for a while but his body can kick it after a good night's rest. Yellow, means it'll hurt for a while but it won't kill him. Orange means he needs an antidote. It'll be slow and very painful. Red means he has a couple of hours. Excruciating pain. Black, he chokes on his breath violently. The choice is yours," I sit on the counter next to her. Stacy steps forward and presses one of the red buttons without hesitation. My dad laughs watching as the red fumes are released into the chamber. Luis immediately pulls his shirt up over his mouth. His eyes turn back to her. His wild eyes are wide as he lets go of the shirt and places both his hands on the glass. His scared expression takes a malevolent gleam and he smiles at her. He leans in putting his tongue on the glass, licking it up and down. Leaving saliva trails. I push off the counter when Carson steps forward to stop him. I shake my head as Stacy walks up to the glass putting one of her hands on the glass over his. She laughs. The sound of it is girly but wicked like a cute girl that's been wronged by the entire world. Like she's finally giving into the deep dark desires inside of her. She presses her scarlet red lips to the glass. When she pulls back, Luis begins to slam his hands against the glass over and over. He stumbles back when the red gas surrounds him. He starts to choke and stumbles into the glass holding his throat as he chokes on the red smoke. He slaps his hand on the glass like he's profusely apologizing to her. She crouches down in front of him, propping her elbow on the top of her knee while leaning on her hand pensively. Her other hand is holding the keyboard. Stacy places it on top of her knees and then presses a black one. The black smoke comes down, mixing in with the red. He starts pounding on the glass again. I press the speaker button on the wall and his screams blare out of it. "That's what it was missing," my dad says. "Christ, we could have used a mad scientist back in my day," "Pinche puta," Luis shouts repeatedly until the gas fully destroys his vocals. He sprays blood and vomits all over the glass now. Stacy hasn't moved a single inch. She's enjoying this. "Oh, he was a filthy soul," Dylan groans as a coldness washes over me. They're all feeling it. "f**k," Luis's soul is standing in front of me now. His broody eyes look me over as the Reaper holds her hand out to him. He takes it without hesitation and the two of them disappear. My dad places his hand on my shoulder. I brush him off. This is the first time I see it. I think the Reaper had been protecting me from it but not this time or maybe I didn't stick around for the last ones. Who knows? "It's done," Stacy stands up to face me. I smile at her. "I don't know how to thank you," "You don't have to," I wipe the tear sliding down her face away. "You never have to thank me, Red. Just keeping being yourself. It's all I want," "I love you," she wraps her arms around me. I place my hand on her head. She backs away placing, the keyboard on the counter, and walks out. "Give her a minute," I tell the others when they look like they're going to follow her. Stacy hides her emotions. Always has. It surprises me that she's opened up as much as she has to me of all people. She's an Irish princess. Even as small as she is, she's got the f*****g heart of a Viking. I both love and respect her with my entire being. She's one of the very few chicks at Hellbourne Academy, I'd never want to have a problem with. Not only would it be inconvenient, but she's f*****g nuts. You kind of have to be when you're running a crew of girls with sticky fingers and bomb southside p***y. Especially since she's not and never has been a southside girl. Everyone knows that the Queen of Hellbourne is as Elite as they come. Only second to yours truly. Even at my towering size, Stacy can probably take me. It's the fight in her that I'm in love with. Jimenez and the others caught her off guard and underfed. Motherfuckers. I'm glad they're all taken care of now. "How do we get him out of there?" Luc asks. "Decontamination," I say pressing the blue button on the wall. The sirens on the inside of the tank wail and light up. My dad presses the speaker button again to stop the noise. I put a handful of popcorn in my mouth and it reminds me of the night I hung out with Damian. "No," Carson takes the cup from me. "What?" I ask. "You're not taking it back. Thompson is going down for these murders. We can't trust her. I will never trust her even if you trust Damian. We're doing this, B.B. You put it out there and we're following your order. No, take backzies," "Not to mention that we'll have the Jimenez family in our back pocket after this," Lucien adds. "They're going to love you, princess. Whatever you want for your little science s**t, I guarantee you, Papa Jimenez will f*****g personally deliver it here wrapped in a pretty pink bow,"
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