She's Kind of Lazy

1979 Words
Pierce The Veil- Dive In Carson: I don't like the way he challenges her. How he knows what she really wants even before she wants it. None of us have been able to keep B.B. distracted enough to stop her but here she is standing in front of a chalkboard with two notebooks in front of her. More than half of the pages decoded already. It's only seven-fifteen. His methods although they get great results are not at all how she should be treated. My biggest concern is him putting his f*****g demon hands on her. "We should go," I motion Marco and Dylan to the door. "Take Rigo with you," He nods without saying anything. B.B. doesn't notice as the three of them walk out. Dylan. Marco, and Rigo. If he's going to be staying with us then he's going to have to put in work. His godfather's flight was delayed and he won't be here until the witching hour. "Girls stay here," I say to Stacy when Lucien starts to put his coat on. She gets up shaking her head. "Please, don't do anything stupid. If you hurt Victor or Damian she's going to flip," she whisper-shouts at me. "Look at her," she turns to look at B.B. who's dancing along to Hell N' Back by Bakar while she reads through a notebook. "She's happy," "Make sure she stays here. Whatever it takes," I instruct her. "Carson," she places her hand on my chest. I've known Stacy longer than anyone else here. Our moms were glued at the hip. This little tiny red-headed girl is like my little sister. I love her just as much as I do my brother. She might still have both her parents but things haven't exactly been easy for her either. Hellbourne breeds monsters and white picket fences don't keep the demons out of pretty mansions. If anything, they invite them in. This girl is ride or die. She might not always like the way we do things but she'll never stand in the way. "I'll be careful. I promise," I tap her head. She nods and goes back to the couch. She's just as happy to have B.B. back as the rest of us. Her partner in crime. "Hey," Lucien calls out to B.B. She looks beautiful like this. Casual B.B. is sexy as f**k. She's wearing black high-waisted shorts, with a black crop top that says D.A.R.E in big, red, bold letters. She's wearing black slip-on vans. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail and she's still wearing her glasses. I love the way she looks in them. She looks her age when she wears them. I feel a little less grown up when she's like this. I feel my age. "We're going out," I inform her. She looks between us, setting the notebook down for the first time since she started working on it. "Is everything okay?" she asks worriedly. She looks around the room and realizes that the other guys are gone. "You'll be careful, right?" "Always," I promise. "Okay," she nods. I'm glad she doesn't ask. I wonder if she knows that as we move forward, things will be like this. My business is my business. I don't share it with just anyone. Not that I don't trust her. I just don't think she's ready for it. I already hate that she's on Escobar's and Jimenez's radar. That she wants them. It was lucky that they are what they are because Jimenez was ready to kill her back at the pizza parlor and if Vic wasn't a crow, he'd try to use her against us. We've been at each other's throats long enough to do something as stupid as that. As long as she doesn't want to be part of the Fallen, I won't drag her into it. She pushes onto her tiptoes and I smile knowing she wants me to kiss her. I pull my hands out of my coat pocket to cup her face. I give her exactly what she wants because that's all I've really ever want to do. Love her. She pulls back and smiles. I give her and Lucien their moment and walk out of the house. Her dad is leaning against my car when Lucy finally joins me. "Let's go for a drive," he shrugs. "I don't think so, Mr. Blackstone," I shake my head. "Whatever it is you're going to be doing stays between us. Black Death's honor," he makes an X over his chest. "The kid's death just stirred my hunger," "No one but us can see him," Lucien shrugs. I hate that he gets along with this man almost as much as Lucien hated me getting along with Ashley Blackstone. "Fine. You can come," I don't feel like arguing. I'm in a fairly good mood at the moment. Belladonna Blackstone has become my main priority as of late even after I promised that I wouldn't let her interfere with my work. Well, I guess that makes me a f*****g liar. Fortunately for me, she's been itching close into it. Mariah Thompson aka the Red Widow has been a f*****g thorn in my side for a long time now. Jimenez and I made the mistake of trusting her. Not only was she seducing herself into his bed but she was stringing Lucien along as well. That is until Luc found out that Mariah tried to shack up with Delilah. Dilly shut that s**t down fast and she told Lucien right away. One thing my brother hates is liars. He has deep concerning trust issues, Luc does. And the fucker deals with them in the most alarming ways. I've seen him lose control of the monster inside of him and I've said this then and I will say it until the day I plummet into hell. You don't f**k with Lucien Daniels unless you're ready to meet your maker. This is the last straw for him. I've been firmly placed between him and Mariah for three years now. I know if he kills her, hell is going to rain down on us and that's the last thing I want when he's preparing to spread his wings and take flight. We're so close to having everything we want. This s**t with B.B. and Delilah couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time. "Stop by the house so I can get what we need," Lucien says from the back seat. I was headed in that direction anyway. He leans forward to look Dante in the face. "Do we call you dad too?" he smirks. f*****g ass hole. "Or is that weird?" "It is with your monumental daddy issues, kid," Dante smirks. "I already got a crazy kid with daddy issues. Don't need another one," "We all got daddy issues," Lucien scoffs and sits back. "This is really good for B.B. ya know?" "How so?" Dante asks. Hm, he doesn't want to be here. He knows it's going to hurt her when he's gone. "Well, she knows the truth now. She can sleep a little better knowing that you had a good reason for all those people who drank the punch," "Mmm," Dante sticks a piece of gum in his mouth and sits back with his eyes closed. "I disagree. She's going to try to prove that she was worth everything I sacrificed that night," "Isn't that a good thing?" I ask. "She actually has a shot at changing the world," "Lots of people set out to change the world, kid. It's not always positive," he shrugs. "Even if she f*****g burns the world to s**t. She'll always be worth it. I wouldn't change a god damned thing," "I don't like seeing her fall apart," Lucien sighs heavily. I hear a bag of chips open up. "Dude," I growl. "Not in my car," "I'm hungry," he complains and I hear a crunch. I hit the brakes hard. His body jolts forward. He smacks right into the back of Dante's seat. "b***h," "I told you. Not in my car," I laugh. He tosses the bag on my lap and I throw it out the window. "We can eat at Whitmore when we get there," "Fine," he grumbles. I let him out when we arrive at the house. I also pop the trunk for the duffle bags he brings out. Four of them. "Jesus, what are we doing?" Dante asks when Lucien walks inside to get four more. "We're going to shoot up Thompson's hideout. They're having a meeting at nine. We stole those guns from Oscar Toledo and Trey Goodwill on the eastside," "What if the Daemons are all in there?" he asks. "Nah, she doesn't deal with them. This is all her. If anything we kill a panther but that's about it. From what we've gathered, since finding out that there are other hallows out there, the hallows follow Victor. They take court with Thompson because of Damian but for no other reason than the stone itself," "What is it with that kid? What's got B.B. all worked up about him?" he asks. That's exactly what I want to know. "There," Lucien climbs back into the back seat. "I honestly don't know," I answer, backing out of the driveway. "And if he's there we'll be taking care of more than one problem," "I thought you were setting her up," "We are and we're going to provide her with her poison of choice after but I need her distracted for us to plant the evidence. She has cops in her pockets. Ballistics will tell her who attacked. All we have to do is sit back and watch her spiral," "You just came up with this last night?" "B.B. came up with it the night she killed Chona," Lucien says. "We liked the idea and we're going to see it through. She's doing great, don't you guys think? Here I was thinking that she was this little innocent lost princess sitting in her little haunted mansion. I loved that idea but this is better. I'm completely taken by this realization," "What realization?" Dante laughs. "Belladonna Blackstone is just a f*****g wrathful goddess slumming it with mortals. Pretending to be one of us. I don't get easily scared, Dante. I'm usually the scariest person in the room if we're being honest. But that girl, f**k. She scares me so much my f*****g soul trembles. How do we miss something like that?" "Pinky has always been like that," he smiles fondly. "There is so much potential but she has an idea of normalcy in her mind. She always wanted-" he pauses and takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "Less. It's like she knows she can bring the world down to its knees but she doesn't have a reason to do it. She's kind of lazy," "Lazy? B.B?" Lucien laughs as if the idea were ridiculous. "I see that," I agree. "She likes to know but she doesn't actually have the motivation to use what she knows," "Exactly. It's like having all this power has no sway. At her age, I wanted to f*****g burn the world down," he laughs. "When the reaper set in and we went on our first tour, f*****g hell. I couldn't get enough of the world. It inspired so much insanity. Not just in me but in everyone. Every single person who listened to the sound of my voice dropped to their knees before me. I felt f*****g invincible," "She's just cautious," Lucien brushes us off. "She's lost everything. Literally everything. What's the use of power and money if there's no one around to tell you they're proud of you or to tell you not to do something? Maybe B.B. wants less because having it all is lonely. Even with us, she really has nothing to lose. Not really,"
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