As soon as the phone went off, I heard Jaden come down the stairs. “Where have you been? I've been calling,” he said. I was grateful that he had at least put on a shirt. It is less distracting now. “You had a call. It was quite confusing to be honest with you,” I explained. I saw him tense up slightly, then he looked away. I could feel the atmosphere shift from the playful kind to something more serious and darker. “Why would you answer my calls without my knowledge?” He asked, his back facing me. “I ….I didn't mean to. It just kept on ringing,” I explained. I hoped silently that he understood. I wouldn't want the whole situation to escalate. I don't know why I forgave him for the stunt he pulled when he left me on an abandoned road, but I was in a good place with him. Now he was abo