Chapter 5

940 Words
Kiara Drawing in my small room, I wondered what her face would be like. Had she received it yet? Did she find the note? I have to admit, while it wasn’t necessary adding the note, “You’re Next.” It certainly added to the impact, hopefully put her on edge. Watching and waiting, just like I used to for my mother to return for me. I want her to feel the hope drain from her very soul when she realises no-one is coming to save her. I want her to feel the pain of seeing someone they love, thrown on a table before them without the opportunity to say goodbye. Checking the time on the wall, the guards were about to switch their duties. Grabbing my backpack filled with the blood rations I’d saved for the week, I made my way down the corridor, careful not to be spotted by anyone. As I came to the last corner, I checked both ways before moving towards the door. “Ah ah ahh, miss,” the duty guard pulled me up, “And where do you think you’re going?” “Come on Lorenzo,” I pleaded, “I just want to talk to him about my mum and dad. He’s all I have left.” I could see he was wavering and tried looking up at him sadly through my lashes, “Just ten minutes. Please.” “Make it five,” he sighed as he stepped away from the door, “As soon as I say you need to go, you really need to go.” “I promise. Thank you so much,” giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek, I rushed through the door before he could change his mind. Blinking my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I inhaled and instantly regretted it. The smell of decaying carcass and faeces infiltrated my nostrils making me gage. Pausing for a moment to gather myself and adjust to the smell, I continued down the stairs and along the cages until I could finally see my destination. Moving quicker, knowing I was on borrowed time, I knelt on the ground, grabbing all the blood rations from my bag and throwing them through the cage, “Ryka,” I whispered, “Ryka I need you to drink.” My hurt sunk watching the languished movements of this once powerful man. The veins were prominent through his almost translucent skin as I watched them curl around the near empty blood bag. The same hand that held mine as he escorted me through the coven. Looking at his decaying face, I wanted to reach out and take his pain away. That was the same face that always held a secret smile just for me as he looked around the room before producing a lollipop. The same face that cried with me at my father’s death. “That’s it, eat up,” I whispered, “You’ll need your strength, Ryka. We’re leaving, tonight.” His eyes watched me carefully and I nodded in confirmation. ‘I couldn’t stay here a minute longer,’ I thought, ‘Even if it means we’re homeless and at constant risk of attack from ferals, anything is better than here.’ Pulling out my plans, I pushed them through the bars towards him, hopeful he approved and this dream could become a reality. Biting my lip, I watched him place the third blood bag down, some colour had returned to his face, and he seemed to move a little more fluid than before. Scooping up the plans, he held them out in front of him, angling for some light to see them. “Oh, here,” I rolled through the flashlight I’d packed. I couldn’t help but flinch at every movement he made, the anticipation of watching him, watching for a response had me so on edge, any slight movement felt huge. Deciding to leave him to review the plans, I grabbed the keychain I’ve stolen from Lorenzo, deciding it was time to check all the keys against the lock on Ryka’s cage. Ryka kept his head in the maps and I took that as his faith in me that I had everything covered in ensuring he was released. At his grunt, I phase with the next key in the look, looking up at him, “What’s up?” “It’s good,” he affirmed, and I couldn’t help the smile that shined at his praise. “But-,” My heart sunk knowing how much I’d put into these plans, testing and checking the times the guards walked through and planting the explosives I’ve bought on the black market as a backup incase the first plan failed. Sighing, I closed my eyes, trying to retain my attitude and allow him to speak, “What time do you intend for us to leave?” “I only have 10 minutes in here with you now, but once this is unlocked, the area is left exposed in about two hours,” I explained, “So we can leave then.” Grunting again, he nodded. “Do you have everything you need with you?” Kicking the bag with my foot, “It’s not much, but this is all I need. I brought it to leave here to make it easier when I return.” What I didn’t tell him, is that I intended to return to avenge my family and my childhood innocence. Just to see that smirking pervert who calls himself our King, beg for mercy. “Concentrate on finding the key,” Ryka instructed me, “we leave now.”
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