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ABBY Being here in this room with my pervious two bestfriends was both awkward and wonderful. I love them both but having Mark back into my life is nerve wrecking and familiar, so familiar that I want to laugh and talk about times back when we were all just friends but how can I forget all of the past. Me and mark actually being a couple. It's not like I can just forget that he's the one who took my virginity, as much as I can try I'd never be able to forget that time.  "SO....Abby, how's thing's going with the...uh.. twins?" Mark awkwardly asked. I could tell that the subject wasn't comfortable for him but at least he was try9ing so I would try right back. "It's good. I'm happy so you know...all's good" I replied with just as much awkwardness as Mark's. This really was hard considering all that happened and talking as if it didn't made it twice as hard to even look at him for too long.  silence ate up the rest of the time until finally it was broken by the voice of my old time friend. "Okay, we all know what happened between you two and I know this isn't hard for any of you to sit here and try to have a decent conversation but please can we stop acting as if this isn't awkward and just get this out" She stated.  "She's right. Mark can we just put the past in the past for now and just be us for just one day" "I think that I'd like that Abby"  We both smiled at each other and finally came to an agreement. Finally. "will it be okay if I hug you or is that...?" "of course Mark I'm not going to break into pieces" I laughed at his unsteadiness and hugged him to my torso. It was nice hugging him, in a nonintimate way, but none the less nice.  "WHAT THE f**k IS THIS!?"  OH s**t. LIAM. *********** LIAM WHAT THE f**k IS HAPPENING! Mark is standing in MY living room holding onto MY FIANCE and I'm the one getting the death glare from abby. Does she really not see how wrong this looks.  "What's he doing here. In OUR home" I sent a glare in his direction before finally looking at my beautiful fiancé who I know for sure wouldn't invite this....imbecile inside of our home after every f*****g thing he put us through in the past. I will not tolerate the bullshit again.  " Before you get angry, Liam, hear me out and we'll have a talk like the adults that we are" Abby stated taking a seat and patting the seat for me to sit but I was in no mood to sit. Today has been very stressful for me with having to deal with Ethan and now coming home to see my future in the hands of her past.  "Oh, I'm am well beyond angry at the moment just be lucky I haven't disfigured him yet." My glare became ten times harder as I remembered how much s**t I had to go through to get my baby back and him being one of those people who stood in my way of having her sooner. I could care less how much she thought he meant to her, he was nothing to be but someone from the past who should remain there. IN THE f*****g PAST. "I told you I should have left I know how they can be. especially Liam" He whispered to the girl on his side who stood as if she were his protector or some s**t.  "Just wait a minute... Hi, my name is Erai-" She tried to introduce herself to me as if that will make their presence in my house any better. It didn't. "Yeah, got it. Now leave my home so that me and my fiancé can talk in private" Honestly I didn't care much for her name or where the hell she was from (probably one of Mark's toys) but whoever she was I didn't need to know in this moment when I'm fueled with rage for the bastard who stands in my living room still.  "Wow. Yeah, Abby we going to leave now. Nice fiancé by the way" She said grabbing Mark's arm and pulling him to the direction of the door.  "Wait don't leave" Abby made her way to stop them but instead I stopped her. grabbing he by the waist and keeping her still as they made their way further and further towards the exit where they belonged.  "It seems we aren't wanted here so we'd best be going before I do something I'll regret later. Come on Mark" "You sure aren't. Goodbye now" I faked a smile and sent a wave in their direction as they finally left our sights. I watched them walk to the door and leave my house finally. It brought me relief that finally we were alone and I wasn't on guard trying hard not to rip that fuckers throat open right here.  "Baby" "No don't you baby me. That was a friend I haven't seen in forever and you were f*****g rude" She pulled away from me and glared at me.  "Mark's hardly a friend" "I'm talking about the girl. Eraion, is a friend I have missed for some time now and we were catching up but you and your rude mouth just ruined that so thank you Liam for being the jealous f*****g bastard that you are and running people away from me" "I didn't know I-" "Of course you didn't know. You never know all you do is act and I'm tired of it. Just leave me alone" Fuck why do I always screw things up. I just saw Mark and I didn't think of anything else besides being angry and protective of what's mine but now she's not even talking to me now.  "Hey, why did I just see Mark leaving our house" Ethan finally made his appearance. "Ethan!" Abby called out to him. And once again I'm the bad guy and Ethan the knight.  " I need a drink" ************************************* VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE
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