Chapter Twelve- The 80’s

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Chapter Twelve- Moth I was scared when I got a text from Frankie’s phone this morning. I thought he forgot that we can’t text, but Sawyer is okay with us being together now. I don’t know all of the details, but I know it has something to do with Teagan. As soon as I heard that, I started scheming. I was talking to Andrew the other day about Frankie’s stupid dance and how I don’t want to go. He told me that it’s never a good thing to be selfish. Andrew and I are a lot alike. We both worry about if we’re good people or not. We both have sweet and down-to-earth guys who love us, and neither of us could tell you why. I’m distant and selfish. I only do things I want to do and I hate the idea of compromising. He explained that sometimes that’s the best thing to do to show your partner you love them. I love Frankie. I was thinking about myself too much. I was only considering what I liked and didn’t like instead of how this dance, no matter how stupid, is important to him. I want to show him that I care about the things that are important to him. I got together some clothes to make the outfit Judd Nelson wore in The Breakfast Club, borrowed Caspian’s dad’s old boombox, and had Jonis help me make a cassette tape with Frankie’s favorite 80’s love song on it. I’m welcome at his house now, so the final touch is just driving there. “Moth,” Fizzle calls to me before I can leave the apartment. I stop and hold back a sigh as I turn towards him. I don’t reply. I settle for looking at him with a raised brow to ask what he wants. “Good luck. I know it doesn’t mean much, but I think you’re charming.” “Thanks.” I leave the house and start driving to Frankie’s, feeling my nerves bubble up. I ignore them. Ignoring my nerves and anxiety is common for me since I play music. I always get scared to go on stage. I always worry about sharing something so close to me with people and how they might react to it, but once I’m there, it’s like nothing else matters. I’d die to do that for the rest of my life. It’s my dream to play my music for people who will understand and be touched by it. I pull up outside of his house, thanking the heavens that his siblings aren’t out here when I do. They’re all blabbermouths that would ruin the surprise. Well, all of them but Julian. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to that kid, but I love the understanding we have. We don’t need to speak to each other to know that we’re friends. I can just give him a look and we can both feel the respect between us. I get off my bike and walk to the yard, making sure I’m right in front of Frankie’s bedroom window. I look around for a moment before finding a pebble on the ground. I pick it up and toss it at his window to make a small tap. I breathe in deeply, pressing play before holding the boombox over my head like in one of his favorite 80’s movies. ‘In Your Eyes’ by Peter Gabriel starts playing loudly. The music is loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. I see Julian and Will both peek at me out of their windows, but it takes a moment for Frankie to open his blinds and look at me. His eyes widen when he sees me. He opens his window with a big smile, popping his head out. “What are you doing?” I clear my throat and raise my voice as loud as I can to ask over the smooth sound of the music. “Franklin William Grayson, will you go to the 80’s dance with me?” Frankie smiles even wider, and shuts the window, making me tilt my head. Was that a ‘no’? I put the boombox on the ground and turn towards the door, letting out a sigh of relief when Frankie practically busts through it. He runs towards me, so I brace myself, catching him when he jumps on me to wrap his arms around my neck. He kisses me deeply, ignoring how everyone in his house is probably staring at us. I wrap an arm around his waist to keep him from falling on the ground while my other hand moves up to tangle in his long hair, deepening the kiss more by licking over his bottom lip and slipping my tongue inside of his mouth. He grips my hair and pulls me closer, his tongue dancing with mine for a moment before pulling away. He unwraps his legs from my waist, standing on his feet again to look at me. “Yes. I’d love to go with you.” I peck Frankie’s lips again and look toward the door, seeing Sawyer leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms and a pout. Teagan stands next to him with a little smile. I don’t know why Sawyer is so against Frankie and I being together. Maybe he thinks I’m trying to take Frankie from their family or that I’m a bad influence, but none of that is true. Not only that, but I also love Frankie and he loves me. Trying to keep us apart now is only going to cause any animosity Frankie has toward them to grow. Frankie takes my hand and walks me toward the door. Once we step inside, Frankie turns to Sawyer. “Can we go to my room?” “No. You can stay down here where I can see you.” Frankie glances into the living room where Carson is dancing around in a sparkly dress and Will is playing a video game on the TV. He looks into the dining room next where Julian appears to be building a model of Mt.Vesuvius. Knowing Julian, it probably explodes too. “I really don’t want to be in everyone’s way. Please? We’ll leave the door open.” Sawyer glares and opens his mouth to speak again, but Teagan wraps an arm around his waist and presses a kiss to his cheek. He whispers something in his ear that makes Sawyer’s face soften as he gives us a little sigh. “Fine. I want the door open, and you better finish your homework. You need to help your brother with his too.” “I can help Will later,” Frankie responds, pulling me up the steps. “So, Barbie. Should I serenade you too or was that good enough for your 80’s love story?” “When we go to the dance, Maybe we can hook up in the back of a car just to make it feel like the 80’s,” Frankie answers, keeping his voice low. I know he doesn’t want anyone to hear. Not when we’re already on thin ice. “I like that idea,” I tell him once we get into his room. I sit on his bed and put my hands on his hips, pulling him closer so he’s standing in front of me looking down into my eyes. “And I like seeing you above me.” “Oh really?” Frankie asks, climbing into my lap to straddle me. He puts his hand on my chest and pushes me back on the bed, looking at me with narrowed eyes. He’s so sexy. When he’s acting all nerdy and naive, he seems like he couldn’t take charge even if you paid him to. I know how confident he gets when it comes to s*x though. He’s hardly ever scared to initiate things, and he’s so sure of what he likes and wants now. I know he didn’t have that confidence with Mason. I don’t mind taking the back seat if it means he’ll crawl into my lap and tease me. I think that look he gets in his eyes is incredibly hot. I put my hands on his thighs and lean up, moving to kiss him. He pulls his head back and puts his hands on my chest again, pushing me back down. “I didn’t say you could kiss me.” I smirk, gesturing for him to do whatever he wants. He leans down, hovering his lips over mine for a moment. When I try to lean in, he pulls back again. I huff in frustration, causing him to finally press his lips to mine. I kiss him deeply but keep my hands planted on his thighs despite how much I want to reach around farther to grab his ass. The last thing I want is for his family to hate me again, so I’ll have to keep my hands in PG areas only. I trail them from his thighs up his hips, my lips faltering when my finger accidentally causes something to fall out of his pocket. I pull back and grab it off the bed to give to him, but before I can, I look down at it, reading the handwriting on the back. ‘Eclipse (Lead Singer)’. “What’s this?” I ask, meeting Frankie’s eyes. He looks down at it as well and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. After a moment of thinking, his doey eyes go wide. “Oh my god. I completely forgot about that. During your show, a guy came to talk to me about you. He wanted me to give this to you so you could contact him.” That show happened over a week ago. Why has he been keeping it from me for so long? I look down at the card with a little smile. Someone likes our music. “He liked the band? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Frankie sighs, looking at the card again as he slumps in my lap. “He didn’t like the band. He only liked you. I just forgot to mention it. A lot was going on that night when you dropped me off.” “I know that, but you could’ve told me right when the show ended. He might not be interested anymore.” I mutter, moving Frankie off of me with a little eye roll. Obviously, I’m upset. This is something important and he should’ve told me right away, but I know I could never be mad at Frankie. I pat my pockets until I find my phone, to type the number on the card. “I’ll email him or call. Maybe I could bring my guitars and show him what I’ve been working on.” “Sorry, I didn’t mention it right away. I just wanted us to be able to focus on our night together. I don’t think he’ll want you to bring your guitars. He said you weren’t very good.” “You just said he liked me.” “Only your singing. Not the guitar and not anyone else either. I didn’t think you’d be interested, but I was planning to tell you. I just wanted to have the night with you first and then everything else happened and I just forgot.” I sigh and look down at the card, flipping it over. The address is for a studio in LA. I’m not a sellout. I’m not going to ditch the band to sing for people who don’t want to hear my musical creativity. “He’s not interested in the band or my guitar. He’s probably not the type of guy that wants to hear my creative input for songs either. I can’t do that to them. The band is my dream. Not singing songs some rich guy tells me to. Besides, he’s in LA and everything I love is right here.” I put the card and my phone in my pocket and lean over to kiss Frankie’s lips again, gently putting my hand on his thigh. “Hands to yourself.” I hear Sawyer say from the hallway. I pull back and take my hand off Frankie. Sawyer would probably have an aneurysm if he knew how close we’ve been before. I even know Frankie has a little birthmark just above his d**k. Frankie takes my hand and puts it back on his thigh, sliding it up farther while deepening the kiss. “Two minutes, Franklin. You need to help Will and then we’re going to dinner.” I pull away, sighing softly. “I should just go. I have to be back for dinner with Fizzle and Andrew anyway.” “Sorry. He’s not always going to be like this. I swear.” Frankie smiles as I stand and looks up at me with a little sparkle in his eye like he wants to say he’s proud of me. “You and Fizzle are getting pretty close.” “Yeah, well, I can’t hold a grudge forever I guess. He’s not so bad anymore. I think he’s calmed down a little. He only seems interested in Andrew now.” “I think he’s had s*x with my brothers, and Teagan too.” “I said a little. I love you, Frankie. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “I love you too.”
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