Chapter Six- Secrets

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Chapter Six- Frankie “Hey, Barbie.” I turn my head to look at Moth standing behind me with a tulip and a chocolate bar. I grin and turn around completely, leaning back against my locker. “Hey, Ken.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hate on your idea. I’m sure everyone loved your pitch and people are already talking about the dance. I just don’t like stuff like that.” He holds out the flower and chocolate for me before taking a deep breath like he has to prepare to say something. “And since dances aren’t my thing, I was hoping you could hang out with me after Eclipse plays at that bar tomorrow.” “I know. It’s not a big deal. I can just go with friends.” I assure him, accepting the gift when he hands it to me. I bring the flower to my nose and inhale. Tulips are my favorite. “I’d love to. Noel told me how to sneak out, so Sawyer would think I’m asleep. I have dirt on Will, so he’s sworn to secrecy.” “He hates me.” “He hates that I’m dating.” I smile at him, blushing when he leans in to peck my lips. “Speaking of which, where’s that guy that asked you out?” I stammer before shaking my head dismissively. “He didn’t know we’re together. He was just being sweet, Moth. It’s not a big deal.” “I’m not going to do anything. I don’t beat people up unless they deserve it.” He smirks and winks at me, giving me that look that made me like him in the first place. “It was Bash,” I admit. There are not a ton of out gay guys at school, but he’s the most popular one. He’s also the student council president. It makes me think his little crush on me might’ve been the only reason he even voted for my idea. “Okay.” He answers, pulling me down the hallway. “Where are we going? Class is about to start.” “Just a minute.” He leans me against a locker and looks around before kissing me deeply. My eyes widen for a moment before shutting as I kiss him back. Our lips move together gently. It’s much more innocent than when we can’t keep our hands off of each other. His tongue slips past my lips for barely a second before we hear someone clear their throat. I pull away from Moth and blush, smiling awkwardly when I see Bash. That’s why he brought me over here. “Oh, hi.” “That’s my locker.” My blush gets deeper as my eyes widen. “I’m so sorry.” “I was just leaving. I’ll see you later, Franks.” Moth pecks my lips again before walking down the hall. He did that on purpose. He’s so petty and jealous that he reminds me of Noel. I move backward and gesture to the locker. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.” Bash smiles as he unlocks it and swings it open. “It’s not a big deal. He seemed like he was trying to prove something. You told him I asked you to the dance?” “I’m sure he didn’t mean any harm.” “I know. He’s got nothing to worry about. I know you’re in a relationship.” He assures me as he grabs a few books. “So… bad boys are your type?” “I-I don’t have a type. It just happened, I guess,” I mumble, trailing off before speaking again. “Thanks again for voting on my idea.” “No problem. I love the 80’s. What are you going to wear?” I perk up and smile at him. I guess he did like the idea. “I have these really cute high-waisted jeans and I was going to wear a pink polo and a denim jacket too.” “Sounds cute. What about your boyfriend? Is he dressing up too?” I falter for a second and shake my head. “No. He doesn’t like school dances. I told him it was fine and that I’d go with friends.” “So you need a friend to go with?” He asks, slipping his books into his bag as we walk to our class together. “I don’t think he’d be okay with that. I mean you saw him. He’s like a lion claiming his territory.” I mutter, Holding my textbook to my chest with the flower Moth gave me still in my hand. “No worries. If you change your mind though, I promise it will be strictly platonic. No flirting or slow dances. I won’t even buy you a corsage. Scouts honor.” He puts four fingers up while placing his other hand over his heart. I laugh softly and reach out to put down his pinkie. “Eagle scouts do three-finger salutes.” Bash notices the flower in my hand now and smiles at me. “I’m glad he treats you well. He’s lucky to be with you. Anyone would be.” “Thank you,” I respond as we walk into our class. I make my way to my seat, stepping over the foot Mason sticks out to trip me like he does every day. You’d think he’d be less predictable. I sit down at my desk, noticing a paper on it that nobody else has. I pick it up and read through it, realizing that it’s a list of all the gay hate crimes that happened in the 80’s. Did Moth put this here? It seemed like he was over that whole thing and it makes no sense for him to try to scare me. He never does things like that. I tense up when Mason turns around, locking eyes with me before giving me a sadistic smirk. God, I don’t know why I ever saw something in him. He looks insane. “I gotta say, princess. I think you picked a pretty great decade.” “Is this supposed to be a threat?” I whisper, trying not to draw attention. “Because you and I both know that you’d be on this list too.” “All I know is that I’ll destroy you if you say something like that again.” His eyes look dark and empty. He looks serious. It didn’t sound like a joke. He wants to hurt me. I choke down the fear that starts to fill my mind and crumple the paper up, tossing it on the floor next to him. “You can have it back.” “Franklin Grayson. Pick that up and throw it away.” Ms. Baker snaps at me, making me sigh. Right, Mason gets away with murder and I can’t even breathe without getting in trouble for it. I stand up and pick up the paper, throwing it in the recycling bin before walking back to my seat, face-planting on the ground when Mason succeeds at tripping me this time. “Did you fall, princess?” He asks sarcastically, making a few people laugh as I get to my feet and sit in my chair. “Shut up. Some of us are trying to pay attention.” Bash nags, making them quiet their laughter and insults enough for us to continue. He smiles at me, and I smile back. I guess it never hurts to have another friend. *** “He’s insufferable! I don’t know why he’s always trying to torment me. I even dated him after he bullied me for a whole year and put out when he wanted me to. Then he dumped me. It’s not like I ever did anything to him. I never even told on him for picking on me.” I complain, double-checking through my window that Will and Sawyer aren’t home yet. “Sometimes there are things going on that you might not see on the surface. Maybe he’s having a rough time and takes it out on you. I think you need to say something, baby. You need to tell a teacher.” My mom answers through the phone. Her sweet voice helps me relax. “I have. They don’t care. His parents both went to this school too and his dad played football too. They donate lots of money to the team and they would stop if he got in trouble and kicked off.” I sigh, rolling over on my bed to look at the ceiling. “I don’t want to tell Moth or Sawyer. They worry too much and I don’t want them to be scared for me.” “Do you think he’d hurt you? You know, when Sawyer was your age he got put in the hospital for a little while. A few boys in his grade beat him up and did pretty serious damage. I think that’s why he worries for you, Franklin. He doesn’t want you to go through everything he had to.” “No. I don’t think he’d seriously injure me. He just shoves me and trips me like it’s a sport. I know Sawyer just worries, but that’s not his choice. Look, we’re basically identical. I don’t need anyone to tell me that he sees himself in me, but I’m not Sawyer. Just because he had a shitty life doesn’t mean he gets to ruin mine.” “What are you talking about? Are you having issues with him?” “I guess. I mean he’s my family, and I love him. It just gets so hard to be on his side when it feels like he’s against me. He hates my boyfriend for no reason. He’s constantly up my ass about keeping up with school as if I’ve ever had an issue with that. He wants me to spend all this time with him, but everyone else gets to do whatever they want. Maybe if he cared to pay attention to me when he’s forcing me to stay home, he’d know how bad it’s getting at school. When Moth is around nobody lays a finger on me, but the second I get into class it’s like all bets are off. I have new bruises all the time and he doesn’t even notice. He’s too busy worrying about how many ear piercings Moth has. I don’t get it.” I hear her hum softly. “I’m so sorry that you’re having school troubles. That boyfriend sounds sweet though. I’m glad he tries to keep you safe.” “Yeah, he does.” “Do you want to talk to your father?” I hear shuffling on the other side and a deeper voice. “Don’t ask him that. I don’t want to talk to him.” Thanks, Dad. How predictable. “Never mind, Franklin. He’s uh… busy.” I hear the front door open along with Sawyer and Will’s voices drifting up the stairs. The sound makes my face pale. “I gotta go. Bye.” “Okay. I lo-” I hang up as my door opens. “Can’t you knock?” “Who were you talking to?” Sawyer asks, ignoring the tone I used that he’d normally nag me about. “Moth.” “Of course. Can you head downstairs for dinner?” “Okay.” Sawyer walks over and combs his fingers through my hair. My hair looks almost the same as his. I did that on purpose. I used to idolize Sawyer. He was like a superhero to me. He could juggle two jobs and all of us along with corralling our parents to the house each time he knew CPS would visit. He held us together for so long. It just sucks that I’m older now. Now I see the cost it came with. I’m glad to have my family, but sometimes I wish I had parents. Someone other than Sawyer who did so much when it wasn’t his responsibility. Now I feel like I owe him for some of that. He never asked to take care of us, so I’m realizing that everything he bought me and everywhere he took me wasn’t a responsibility. It was a favor, and I don’t have any way to repay him. I want to do what he says. I pursued school so much because he asked me to. I grew my hair out because he told me he thought it would look nice. I don’t want to do that anymore. If I did I’d have to dump Moth and never have another relationship again. I want to live my life, but it comes with feelings of guilt that I can’t shake. I wonder if everyone else feels like that too? Do they think they owe Sawyer? “Are we okay, Frankie? I know I can be a little harsh, but I don’t want you to think I don’t love you.” “We’re fine. I know you love me. I love you too, Sawyer.” He kisses my head and pulls away to walk out, letting me sit up and sigh, hearing more footsteps walk into my room. “Yes, Julian?” “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “You’ll need to be more specific, Julian.” I look over at them, seeing them avoiding eye contact while holding the duck they brought home forever ago. “Our walls are thin. I don’t think you should be talking to her so much.” My eyes widen as I stand up and shut the door, turning to face them. It’s so hard to take them seriously when they’re holding a duck, but I have to when they know about my secret texts and phone calls. “She’s our mom. She deserves to know what’s going on with us. With me at least. I talk to her because I want to.” “Sawyer would be really upset if he found out, Frankie. I don’t care if you talk to her, but the rest of us don’t want her to be a part of our lives. She made her choice, Frankie. She doesn’t want us. She doesn’t want you.” “I know you’re trying to help, but please stop. Don’t listen to my conversations and keep your nose out of my business.” “Can I hang out with you and Moth again soon?” They’re so cute when they get shy about these things. I think it’s sweet that they like Moth so much. The first few times he came over, I felt bad that Julian always wanted to tag along in whatever we were doing, but Moth loves them to pieces. Julian won’t say it but they love Moth too. I sigh, relaxing a bit. Julian isn’t a tattle tale. They won’t snitch on me for no reason. “Yeah. I’ll have him come over next week, okay?” “Okay.” Their duck quacks, making them wave at me and start to walk out. “Goat is hungry. Bye.”
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