Chapter 6-2

2019 Words

Elle snapped her fingers, and suddenly an Oreo protruded from Jen’s mouth. Everyone froze as they looked from Jen to Elle. “Why the hell have you two not been doing that all these years?” Sally asked Peri and Elle. “No one asked us to,” Elle said. “I don’t think that’s something that needs to be asked. It’s pretty freaking obvious this girl doesn’t need a working mouth,” Sally said. “Pretty sure Decebel would be a bit angry with us if we caused her mouth to stop working,” Peri murmured. “Bloody hell.” Jacque sighed. “It’s like I’m surrounded by drunk, eighteen-year-old dudes who’ve gotten stuck on the s*x merry-go-round jokes.” “And if we shoved a cookie in Jen’s mouth every time she said something inappropriate, she’d be three hundred pounds by next week.” Jen swallowed hard. “Some

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