Chapter 5-2

1936 Words

Jen’s head snapped up, and her blue eyes met Jacque’s. “It’s just us.” Jacque motioned to Sally. “We’ve never kept secrets.” She paused and then added, “Well, not for long because you usually beat them out of us.” Sally snorted. Jen’s lips turned up slightly, but then fell. “What’s going on?” Sally leaned on the island next to Jen. “I called my parents.” Jen’s voice broke on the last word. Jacque kept her face neutral. Jen and her parents were like gunpowder and a match. Most of their contact ended up with someone exploding. The last time Jen and her parents had spoken had been over a year ago when they’d been in Texas, and she’d been pregnant with Thia. It had not gone well. “What did you talk to them about?” Sally asked gently. “I invited them to come spend Christmas with us, to m

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