Chapter 3-1

2166 Words

Chapter 3 “On the third day of Christmas my werewolf gave to me three growling males, two cursing pups, and a furball in a fir tree.” Keep singing people. So help me you’re going to enjoy this story whether you like it or not.” ~Jen “How many more bloody trees does she want?” Lucian asked Decebel. “Yeah, what he said.” Adam pointed at Lucian. “Because yesterday we cut down thirty.” “But she only liked ten of those,” Decebel replied. “She inspected them and decided twenty were unacceptable. They had too many issues.” “Issues?” Adam frowned. “How can a damn tree have issues?” Decebel rubbed his hand down his face. He loved his female. He did. And he had to keep reminding himself of that the previous evening while she pointed out the issues. His tongue was bloody from all the times he

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