
1600 Words

*Kieran* The sun is high in the sky when we finally reach the castle. After days of travel, my home should be a welcome sight, but I can only think of the lives that were lost to build this place. This is not a home, I realize for the first time in my life. It’s a monument to my father’s ego. This castle exists because he’s willing to kill innocent people to keep his power. My throat burns with anger at the thought. All I want to do is go to my room for a hot shower and a long sleep in my bed. I’m so weary from the long journey, I could probably stay there for days without moving. Maybe I will, but first I have to see my parents. They’ll want to know what happened. Surely, they’ll have heard the news of Blanca’s death by now. In a way, she did kind of die. The girl they raised, the gi

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