Chapter 95 Children (2)

544 Words

“And I feel… we all should implement this in every pack. After all, we werewolves don’t have a high birthrate like humans. So, we have to protect our pups at all costs,” Meirah added. “That is great, my dear. After this banquet, I will make arrangements for this kind of educational camp for the new moms in our pack,” Laura supported her daughter. “Mom, this shouldn’t be only for women. Men should be included too. After all, as much as a mother is important, so is a father too,” Meirah said. “Men are busy dealing with affairs. They won’t attend, Lady Ylva,” Camila said, retorting her. “Are you saying a man is incapable of taking care of the child he fathered? Then he should not become a father. There were rumors that you had a child and lost him. Right?” Meirah asked, looking at Camila.

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