Chapter 31 Escaped... but still in danger.

1684 Words

The subtle hint of burning wood and melting plastic drew her closer to its source, like a moth to a flame. Sensing the weird and burning smell, Meirah put the things in her hand and walked out towards the smell. As she made her way through her modest living area, she found the intensity of the smell growing stronger, guiding her straight to her bedroom door. Hesitation gripped her for a moment as she recalled the news reports of a string of recent house fires in the city. She pushed the thought away, convincing herself that it couldn't be happening to her. Reaching out to open the door, the searing heat from the doorknob made her jerk her hand away instinctively. The pain was immediate and sharp, and a red blister began to form on her palm. Panic set in as the reality of the situation be

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