Chapter 20 Humiliation

1685 Words

Golden rays illuminated the beach, casting lengthy shadows on the white sands. The pristine beauty of the place was starkly contrasted by the heavy atmosphere surrounding a group of individuals. Meirah stood at the center, feeling as though a thousand weights bore down on her. She watched the anger in Lucian's eyes and the subtle triumphant look from Camila. Meirah was confused for a second and again swiftly turned her gaze towards Camila. But now her face had a sad expression, which was the exact opposite expression from earlier. Despite Camila’s attempt to cover her expressions, Meirah couldn’t wipe away the image she saw in Camila’s face just now. ‘Why was she happy when her clothes were ruined?’ she thought to herself. ‘She might be a masochist to smile like this when someone sabota

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