
1110 Words

 I hopped in the passenger side of my car and Adonis just stared at me for the longest time ever. "Did you feed?" He asked me. "Is that her blood?" "Just drive." I told him, leaning back in the seat. "Dude, Uncle is going to flip." He pulled away from the girls' apartment and drove to my house. "I tried to f**k her, but I guess that didn't help get rid of it." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "I should've never let her rope me in." He stopped at the red light and sighed. "Jesslyn did that?" He asked me. "Yeah. I could've stopped her, but....." "But, what?" He sped off as soon as the light turned green. He kept glancing over at me, waiting for me to answer the question. "Alias?" He called my name. "Her blood... It was so sweet... Strong as well.... I couldn't resist." "Did you mark h

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