Chapter Nine

1562 Words

Maggie Life... the word is very polysemous. Every life is different. Sure, overall, it has one meaning, one definition- 'the existence of an individual human being or animal.' But its utterly crazy how every life is so different from the next. One person's strengths are another's weaknesses. One life could be lived with a perfect past, present and future and another person could live in a complete hell. I used to think the only thing every life had in common was that eventually life ends. We all die, one way or another, that day will come for us all. My life, though, proved that wrong. I died a long time ago. Obviously, not in the literal sense, but my soul, my mind, all of it has been tainted and, ever since, I haven't felt a single. damn. thing. The only thing I'm certain of is that I h

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