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LESLIE’S POV “What did you say?” Leslie whispered, her voice was hoarse and heavy with sleep. Oh goddess! She was just so tired. “It's nothing,” Lucas replied. She wasn't even surprised to see him with her. Leslie smiled at the dream she had the previous night. She had snuggled into him and his warmth all night. Her wolf and herself had felt so complete and the pain she felt at times was nowhere to be found. ‘If only that could become a reality,’ she mused. “How are you?” He asked softly. “Tired. And still sleepy,” she replied as she clamped her mouth shut to stop a yawn from escaping. “Yeah, I didn't want to wake you. Just wanted to check up on you. Lucas glanced towards the table where the discarded food wrappers lay. “You didn't eat much,” he commented. “I'm not hungry.

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