1643 Words

LUCAS POV ‘She looked cute in his shirt,’ Lucas mused as he watched her. It was very fitting when he wore it, but on her though, it was oversize. ‘But not too oversize,’ He frowned at that. ‘He wished the shirt swallowed her up’ He imagined how she would look when she wore his white buttoned-up shirt. It's long sleeves draping over her hands. Chuckling at the thought, he brushed it aside, focusing on the present. He watched her as she took gentle slow steps to the door. This would take all day, he sighed. Carrying her on his shoulders would make this faster. He reined in his urge to touch her. Her skin would be too sensitive. He recalled his first shift, how sensitive he was to everything. ‘Is it ready?’, he fired at Noah to distract himself. ‘What?’ ‘The juvenile basement!

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