1451 Words

Chapter 14 Connor Hughes Dad stopped pacing and slowly turned to face me when I got to the lobby. Mom, Dad, Chase, Claire, and Janice were all together when I got there. Seeing the disappointed look on Mom's face made me feel bad. "Why did you do it, Connor? Why did you do that to your brother?" Dad yelled at me, enraged. He didn't care that we were in a public place where many people were present. He didn't care that his anger may end up getting our reputation messed up, but I guess this was all my fault. Only if I had controlled this emotion I called anger, then maybe this would've been avoided. "You don't keep mute on me when I'm talking, Connor. Why the hell did you do that?" Although Dad was a temperamental man, I have never seen him so angry before, and I understood that it was e

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