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Chapter 25 Janice POV I scoffed for the second time, recalling what happened yesterday night. How could I have been so silly to the point of almost having s*x with him? If he had not stopped, then that's how I would've given up my virginity to a jerk? "You are such a pathetic i***t, Janice," I cursed at myself, running my fingers through my hair. My phone beeped, and my heart dropped when I checked to see that it was a text from my little brother. Again, he needed money for his tuition fees, and here I was, stranded with no hope of ever getting a means of income. I guess it was high time I started looking for a job to survive. 'I'll send you some money soon. Please give me some time' I replied to his text, then tossed my phone on the nightstand and sank my fingers into my hair. Coming

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