I Can Make My Own Rainbows

1305 Words
Layla clears her throat hoping to wake the person laying next to her when her attempt to get out of his embrace fails for the umpteenth time. She woke up to the sound of his snoring and found herself locked in his arms with her head resting comfortably on his torso. He looked so cute with his arm wrapped around her looking like he was afraid someone was going to snatch her away. She loved how comfortable the place was too and was reluctant to change it until she needed to go. At first she tried to slip out not wanting to wake him up and having to explain herself but now that it can't wait she has no choice. She decides to nudge him when even the noise she made won't wake him up. "Hey." She tries to call him when all he does is stir in his sleep and pull her closer to him. "Caleb hey, wake up." She pats him softly on his chest. The snoring stops but she still can't move. She decides to look up and she finds him smiling with his eyes still closed. "Dr. Young?" There is a bit of annoyance in her voice because she feels like her bladder is about to burst open and she is not about to embarrass herself again after crying that much in front of him. "It's Caleb to you." He looks at her letting her know his displeasure at having called him that. "It's kind of an emergency." "Wait, what?" That gets him up in a flash and he sits up facing her. His eyes roam all over her trying to see if she is ok. "Am fine, but I won't be if you keep me here a second longer." He frowns at her statement and she bites her lips trying to find a way to tell him what she needs. "I kind of need to go." She looks anywhere but him. His frown grows when she mentions that. "I don't mean that, I mean go as in go." She nods towards what she hopes is his bathroom when she sees that he just misunderstood her. A grin grows on his face when he finally catches on what she is trying to say and before she can say another word she finds herself being carried by him. "I can actually do this by myself you know." She protests but her protests fall on deaf ears when he keeps walking with no intentions of putting her down. He walks straight through the doors and finally puts her down in the brightly lit room. "Thanks." "You are welcome." She points to the door when she sees him not moving but he looks at her like she is asking for something impossible. "I've got this." "Are you sure? I mean I can still stay if...." "Out!" She cuts him off with her sharp tone in her voice and he walks out looking displeased. "Don't break anything in there, especially anything that is you." He shouts that from behind the door making her laugh. He is back to his usual charming self and Layla is glad. It makes it easier for her not to think any sad thoughts when he is not looking at her with worry. She takes a deep breath now that she has done her business and she most certainly is breathing better now that all that pressure has been dealt with. She walks over to wash her hands and her own reflection in the mirror causes her to shout loudly. "Oh my God!" She can't believe the person looking back at her is her. She is more than a mess with her hair dried and tangled and falling all over the place. Her eyes are still a bit red and puffy from all the crying with her nose still spotting a faded red colour. "Oh my!" She leans in and tries to make everything that's out of place better when the door suddenly opens and Caleb walks in. "What is it?" He looks panicked and wondering what is wrong with her. "Stay away." She screams at her approaching doctor but he just walks over unheeded. "I said stay away." She attempts to hide her face from him when he comes too close. "Layla did something happen? Are you alright? Is your leg ok?" "Am fine just...just go." "Fine? Then why are you shouting?" He takes her hand in his still looking concerned. She hesitates before she opens her mouth to answer him. "Why didn't you tell me that I looked like....this?" He first looks at her confused then smiles his breath taking smile making Layla look away from him. She is definitely embarrassed making it the second time today. Caleb however takes hold of her face and makes her look at him. There is amusement dancing in his eyes as he looks her over. "You are still gorgeous even with this hair and all of this." He points to her face and smiles but Layla just thinks he is jocking and swats his hand away. "Charmer." She mumbles to herself as she turns to try and walk away with the key word being tried. "You don't believe me?" He is holding her captive with his hands and forcing her to look at him. One look into those eyes and she is already tongue tied unable to form words in her own mouth. "You.are.gorgeous. " "You.are.gorgeous. " "You.are.gorgeous. " "You.are.gorgeous. " By the time he says it the fourth time she covers her face unable to withstand his gaze. He keeps repeating the words as if he is trying to make them sink into her very core. "Don't do this." She shakes her head while her hands cover her face. "Do what?" He reaches for her hands and brings them down from her face. She's feeling vulnerable all of the sudden now that she is looking back at him. "Tell this woman just how beautiful she is?" He touches her tangled hair lightly. She wants to shy away but he is holding her firmly. "Letting her know that I have never seen anything more beautiful than what am seeing right now?" His hands move to caress her cheeks and she leans into his touch. "Appreciate the only person that has filled my world with so much colour I can make my own rainbows?" He touches her now trembling lips. "You.are.gorgeous." "Everything about you is gorgeous." She sees him lean in and her heart hammers in her chest, he has just brought every one of her guards down leaving her to the mercy of his words that are tearing through all the thoughts of not being good enough that have kept her real self away from the world. "You.are.gorgeous Layla." The sound of his voice so close to her ear makes her shiver and all she does is hug him. With tears in her eyes she smiles when he hugs her back and tighter. "You have no idea what you have done to me." He kisses the top of her head and hugs her tighter if that where even possible. "Am sorry that you have to shed tears like this." Layla relaxes into him and basks in his warmth that is surrounding her. It doesn't matter that they are standing in his bathroom, to her they could be anywhere but she would still feel like she was on top of the world. This is the best feeling ever. His words always do more than comfort her. If it were not for him she probably would have been swimming in her own tears by now. He is like her own personal angel sent from above. She smiles more as she keeps holding on to him. Maybe just maybe all her tomorrows will be alright.
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